Later, when Kolis summons them to Dalos, he tells Sera that she must do whatever Kolis demands of her, no matter how distasteful or vile, and adds that there are only a few things Nyktos can refuse on her behalf. He also makes it known that delaying in answering Kolis’s summons will make Kolis incredibly angry, and it will cost them.

Rhain goes to check on Sera and finds Veses in Sera’s chambers. He apologizes and offers to let Nyktos know that she’s arrived, trying to lead the Primal away. She tells him that she’s not there to see Nyktos and it scares him a bit. After she attacks Ector, Veses sends Rhain skidding out of the room with her power, along with Ector’s unconscious body. He rushes off to find Nyktos and inform him of Veses’ attack on Sera.

Before the coronation, Bele retrieves him at Sera’s request so he can be her escort. He confirms that, as the Consort, she will have authority over Nyktos’s guards, and he has to answer her honestly. Therefore, when Sera asks what he meant by Nyktos having to sacrifice, he first tries to backpedal but ends up telling her about Veses and her deal with Nyktos. He’s concerned the Primal of Death will murder him for sharing that and is not convinced he won’t find out.

He goes on to say that Eythos kept his deal with King Roderick a secret for a long time, and so did Nyktos. Still, it was discovered a few years back, and he doesn’t know how. Somehow, Veses found out about Sera but nothing else and threatened to tell Kolis. Rhain tells Sera the price Nyktos paid for Veses’ silence. He adds that he believes Veses may have tried to take Sera out to prevent blowback on Nyktos, but it was more likely because the agreement was about to end. He also tells her that only he and Ector know about the deal with Veses because they found Nyktos in bad shape once after a feeding.

As he feels Sera’s fury build, he tries to calm her by grabbing her face and making her focus on him. He knows he can’t stop her like Nyktos did before without hurting her and is stunned when Sera claims she’ll kill Veses.

He blocks her from going to the Primal and tells her that Veses will be dealt with. The moment the embers are in Nyktos and he Ascends, Veses is done for. Then, he stuns Sera by calling her Your Highness and saying she will be and has been his Queen.

When he asks Sera if she loves Nyktos and she can’t answer, he realizes what it means and confesses he thinks he was wrong about her.

On the way to the coronation, he falls into step behind Rhahar and Sera with Ector, followed by Saion and the twins. As Nyktos and Sera enter, he addresses the crowd and tells them to bow. During the ceremony, he hands Sera’s crown to Nyktos. Afterward, he appears at the door to their carriage with the shadowstone box for the crowns. When they arrive at the House of Haides, he takes them to put them away.

When Kyn attacks with his dakkais and draken, Rhain leads the guards on the Rise. He sees Ector taken down and kicks away a dakkai, only to see the mess that is left of his friend. He can’t hold back and vomits. At one point, he grabs Sera and asks if she’s okay after her blast of power, only to swear when he sees Nyktos drawing the dakkais away with Primal mist. Sera tears free of his hold.

After Sera is taken to Dalos, Kyn captures Rhain and brings him to Kolis. Kolis taunts him about his father and brother and susses out that he has the same gifts. He figured it would happen, but he still manages to talk to Sera in her mind and tell her to take the palace down like she did at the House of Haides.

Sera makes a deal with Kolis to spare his life, and they return him to the Shadowlands. He isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to repay her. When she’s finally free, he makes sure everyone understands that she’s the reason many of them are still alive and free.

When it’s time for Nyktos to take Sera to her lake to extract her embers, he kneels and extends his sword, drawing blood before destroying the weapon, pledging himself to her forevermore.


God of Sky and Soil—is Earth, Wind, and Water (in Blood and Ash timeline)

Court: The Triton Isles to The Shadowlands

Hair: None. Bald.

Eyes: Black that turn silver in Blood and Ash timeline.

Body type: Tall.

Facial features: Deep black skin.

Personality: Snarky.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Doesn’t believe that anyone is genuinely benevolent throughout their lives and thinks that long life contributes to that benevolence waning.

Preternatural features: Powers of elemental control.

Other: A seasonal god. Temple in Saion’s Cove off the Cliffs of Ione. Older than Nyktos.

Background: Born in the Triton Isles. Helped to create the pool under the House of Haides. Left the Triton Isles five decades after his Culling, so about two hundred and fifty years before Sera comes to the Shadowlands. Was in Dalos awaiting sentencing for defection from Phanos’s Court after Eythos was killed. Nyktos saw him in a cell and took his soul so no other Primal could claim him.

Family: Cousin = Rhahar.


Saion accompanies Nyktos—then going by Ash—to the mortal realm to retrieve Sera when the Primal feels her distress. When he sees what’s going on, he remarks that calling Tavius an animal is an insult to animals. He notices no blood despite the brutal appearance of what Tavius had been doing and then laughs when Sera remarks that Tavius is too weak to break the skin.

Saion frees Sera of her bonds by simply placing his hand over them, then settles in to get his daily dose of entertainment. When Nyktos makes his move, and Ector comments on the Primal of Death seeming angry, Saion replies that he has been moody lately and they should let him have his fun.

After Sera kills Tavius with the whip, Saion is hard-pressed to contain his surprise. As he escorts the mortals out of the Great Hall, he remarks that he’s in the mood for whiskey and then finds a cloak for Sera.

In the Shadowlands, Saion retrieves Sera to take her to breakfast with Nyktos. He mentions that he told Nyktos that the Primal should be watching over his Consort himself and then reveals that he was threatened and told Nyktos would feed him to Nektas.