Kolis asks her what will change if he releases Nyktos, and she tells him she won’t fight him. He thinks that means she’ll submit… Kolis tells her that if she’s lying about Sotoria, he will take her soul in both life and death.

Later, Callum reads a book as Sera nibbles on her meal. She asks him if Revenants eat, and he tells her they don’t need food or blood—they need nothing. She assumes it’s because they’re dead, and he tells her that assumption is rude but won’t correct her with the real reason.

They discuss that Revenants must die, and Sera asks Callum if he was Chosen. He says he wasn’t, and she points out that he’s not like the other Ascended Chosen. He tells her there are no others like him.

Well…not yet. We know that changes. Sort of.

Sera peppers him with questions, and he eventually talks about how painful her death will be when Kolis discovers she’s not Sotoria.

She asks about the painted masks they all wear, and he says they’re symbolic. They show who the Chosen, Revenants, and gods serve.

When she says she’s seen Kolis go full Primal, it shocks Callum. He tells her that means she’s seen the true Death.

The next day, the Chosen prepare Sera. Kolis walks in wearing his crown and tells her not to engage with anyone.

She’s not sure what to expect, so she simply watches Kolis sit on the throne. Elias escorts the gods into the chamber, and Sera doesn’t like the looks and expressions on their faces. In thinking about things, she realizes she wasn’t clever enough in clarifying what state Ash should be in when he’s released. With that thought in mind, she behaves as Kolis gets progressively edgier.

The false King suddenly asks a god if he finds her distracting. The god apologizes and says she’s interesting to look upon. Pleasing to the eye. Kolis makes him detail which bits are pleasing. As the god details the parts, Sera can’t hold back and finally asks: what the fuck?

Kolis tells Uros—the god—that he may have offended Sera, then asks her if she is. She says she’s just unimpressed. Kolis turns back to the god, says that Uros offended him, then implodes him. Sera can only stare and gape when he turns to her and asks if she finds Uros more impressive now.

He tells her he’s impressed by her calmness, then calls Elias in and tells him to get Callum to find the Sun Temple Uros was from a replacement. The god asks if he should get someone to clean up the mess, Kolis waves his hand, and it all disappears.

A goddess walks in and states her business. Kolis cuts Dametria off, clearly tense, and suddenly excuses himself.

The goddess prowls to the bars of Sera’s cage. As Sera watches, Dametria asks if Sera likes what she sees because she likes what she sees beneath Sera’s gown. Sera asks the goddess what kingdom the Sun Temple she represents is in, and Dametria is shocked that Sera spoke. She says no others before her have—meaning the favorites. She then tells Sera she’s heard rumors she is the Shadowlands’ Consort.

She reveals that the Temple is in Terra. Based on what Dametria says about people from Lasania coming, too, asking for blessings on their work with Terra, Sera surmises that Ezra succeeded in strengthening the relationship between the kingdoms.

The goddess insinuates that Kolis is off pleasuring himself, disgusting Sera. Elias swears, and Dametria tells Sera she was at the coronation, so she knows she’s the Consort.

Sera uses the bathing chambers while Kolis is gone. When he returns, he looks more relaxed, lending credence to what Dametria insinuated.

Kyn shows up, and Kolis asks if he’s brought news. The Primal answers that he has but suggests they speak privately. Kolis says talking in front of Sera is fine since she’s not going anywhere.

She watches and listens as they discuss the armies and what should be done next.

Kyn suggests that a clear message can still be sent and is likely needed because of Sera, calling her that. The discussion continues, and Kyn says he’s not worried about retribution, including Nektas, and Sera laughs. He asks her if he made a joke.

Sera reminds Kolis that he said he didn’t want to go to war, and he tells Kyn he’s brave and loyal and has his gratitude. Kyn tells Kolis he has more than bravery and loyalty from him. He says Kolis has his army and his command, then adds that their plans have changed. He reasserts that Kolis needs the embers.

They talk about balance, provocation, and need, then discuss that Nyktos will be a problem if he’s released.

When Kolis notices Kyn looking at Sera, he asserts that she draws the eye. Sera doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with Uros. Instead, Kolis asks her to come closer. She becomes blank once more and moves. He then asks Kyn what he thinks. Kyn eye fucks her and again says she draws the eye.

Kolis agrees and then adds that you don’t want to think it but do. He then asks the Primal what he would do if Sera weren’t in a cage and his. He insinuates that Kyn would be between her thighs or in her ass in a heartbeat.

Kyn asks what happens if she’s not Kolis’s graeca, and Kolis says Kyn can have her when he’s done if she’s not. The Primal seems pleased and agrees.

Sera knows she won’t survive if it comes to that.

The Primals make the deal, and Kyn tells Kolis he’s honored. Says the King’s potential gift moves him. Then mentions he’s glad he brought a gift for Kolis, as well.

He calls to Kolis’s draken, Diaval, and the male brings in someone bound with a hood over their head. Diaval shoves whoever it is to their knees, and Kyn says the gift is a bit battered and bloody, but it required some convincing.

He rips off the hood, and Sera sees that it’s Rhain.

He’s been bitten and beaten. If he weren’t a god, he’d likely be dead. Kyn confirms his name for Kolis and then says he’s originally from the Callasta Isles. It shocks Sera to find out that he’s from Veses’ Court.