Kolis confirms that he’s the son of Daniil and says Rhain resembles his father the last time he saw him, alluding to the fact that he was beaten, too.

Rhain lashes out, then they discuss Rhain’s father and brother. Sera realizes she knows very little about Rhain.

As they trade banter and insults, Sera thinks about the key and has an almost prophetic vision. Because she knows why Kyn brought Rhain alive. So Kolis could kill him.

Sera listens as they talk about the gifts that Rhain’s father and brother had and the assumption that he has them, as well. Suddenly, Sera hears Rhain’s voice in her head saying her name.

As Kolis drones on, Rhain tells Sera to listen to him, urging her to use the essence and bring down the palace.

When Kolis finds the necklace Rhain is carrying in a pouch around his neck, Sera’s shocked to see it, knowing it’s Aios’s. She lies and tells Kolis it’s hers but insists she didn’t know what Rhain could do.

All lies are at least partial truths…

She then reveals that Rhain doesn’t even like her. When Kolis asks why, she says it’s probably because she stabbed Nyktos, then adds the personality traits the god probably dislikes.

Sera tries to talk around the assumption that Rhain is there as a spy, saying that everyone already knows she’s at Cor Palace. But then Kolis tells her she’s not.

Kyn and Sera bicker, and Kolis warns her. He then turns to Rhain and says he believes Sera, so he’ll make the god’s death quick.

Sera cries out and urges that Kolis doesn’t have to kill him, adding that he’s only loyal to Nyktos. Kolis snaps that he should be loyal to him. Sera amends and says he’s worried about Nyktos, and Kolis should be thrilled.

Kolis is clearly confused, so Sera says that the gods in the Courts should care about their Primals. If they don’t, how can they care about their King? She says loyalty shouldn’t be punished by death or torture.

Rhain tells Sera telepathically that it’s okay. He’s prepared to die.

Sera’s not having that.

She tells Kolis there’s another option. He can release Rhain. It would show that he’s a benevolent ruler. That if the god were to be released in his current condition, it would prove that Kolis can be both fierce and giving. She tells him she’ll do whatever he wants as long as he lets the god go. Kolis renders Rhain unconscious and asks Sera why she wants to save the god. She tells him she’s trying to prevent a war and says she’ll do anything if Kolis promises that Rhain will return to the Shadowlands no more hurt than he is now. Another deal.

Kolis dismisses Kyn, but the Primal gloats in his last look at Sera. After Rhain is removed from the chamber, Kolis tells Sera they’ll share a bed tonight.

After dinner, Sera bathes and sees the gold nightgown set out for her. Kolis appears and tells her she’s far bolder than before—meaning as Sotoria. He asks if what he requested of her was a surprise, and she tells him it only surprised her because he offered her to Kyn just moments before. He tells her that her advice was wise and that releasing Rhain shows he’s reasonable and fair—and worthy of loyalty. He tells her Rhain is back home, and Sera thanks him. She assures him of things that are a lie and fears she’s all lies now.

They go to bed.

And Sera remains awake.

The next day, Callum tosses a dagger into the air and asks her if she slept. She lies and says she got tons of rest. Callum tells her she’s being quiet and insinuates that she learned she could whore herself to get her way. She gets pissed and uses eather to redirect the Revenant’s dagger, almost stabbing him. Unfortunately, he moves quickly enough to avoid it.

She calls him Cal, and he gets pissy. Then she tells him she realizes she’s not in Cor Palace. He reveals she’s in the Vita, a sanctuary in the City of the Gods.

Kolis comes in wearing his crown, leading a timid-looking goddess. He introduces her as Ione and says she’s from Keella’s Court. He then adds that the goddess is unique. She can see into others’ thoughts and uncover truths, lies, and all that is needed.


Kolis tells Sera it won’t take long, that Ione will be quick and efficient. He orders Sera to sit, and she feels Sotoria rise, filling her with anger and fear. Kolis says she seems nervous, and she says it’s because a god did this to her before, and it hurt.

Callum fills Kolis in about Taric. Kolis asks Sera if Taric found her, and she says it was him, Cressa, and Madis, then asks him why he had Taric searching for the embers if he already knew where they were. He tells her that he ordered Taric to look for his graeca.

Kolis asks Sera if the other gods fed from her, and she says only Taric did. He then asks if the god told her what he saw, and Sera says he didn’t have a chance to say anything before he died.

Ione tells Sera that what she’s about to do doesn’t have to hurt. She adds that it will be uncomfortable and likely make her tired and headachy. Sera says she can’t do it, and Kolis compels her, telling Ione to be quick.

Ione kneels and explains that she needs to take Sera’s blood. When the goddess realizes Sera can’t respond, she lifts Sera’s hand, sees the imprint, then looks into her eyes. Kolis asks what’s wrong, and Ione tells him it’s nothing before lowering that hand and picking up Sera’s other one. She bites her wrist, and Sera feels a sting travel through her until she feels scratching at her mind.

Visions flash, and Sera shakes on the inside. Tears threaten. She is in terrible pain and worries that Ash can feel it, even in stasis. The embers inside her swell, and Sera pushes with her mind, snapping Ione’s head back and sliding her across the shadowstone floor.

Callum calls what she did inappropriate, and Kolis demands to know what Ione saw. The goddess says the embers in Sera are strong, and he says he already knows that much. He asks if Sera is his graeca, and Ione tells him she carries the one called Sotoria. That she is her.