Page 22 of Guarded Love

Yet I was practically panting over a woman about as untouchable as the moon. And roughly that far away, though we were in the same room, breathing the same air.

I had to say something to break the sudden, awkward silence. How long had it been since I’d experienced awkward silence with a woman? “You’ll want to eat, right?”

Her gaze softened before her green eyes searched my face. “You don’t have to do all this. Really. I know how to handle things.”

“That again.” I huffed, frustration lacing my tone. “I’m not going to be able to rest tonight unless I know you’ll have something to eat and aren’t going to be lying here, starving.”

“The downstairs staff already has instructions to bring up anything I order. I was going to pull up Uber Eats when the time comes.”

Of course. I should’ve thought of that. “All right, then. Is there anything else you need? Maybe a trip to the bathroom?”

A faint smile touched her lips, and I would’ve sworn it transformed her. The walls she’d built around herself dissolved for a second, and dammit, I longed for her. Never once in my life had I feared dying if I didn’t get the chance to hold, kiss, and protect someone. When it came to her, it was true and potent. It was almost enough to make me forget who she was and why that would never, ever work.

Besides, in the end, she was only a woman who’d already shown me her true colors. I wasn’t a person to her. I was a dick attached to a body. A drunken good time she could then turn around and act superior to. I didn’t need that shit.

“I don’t think so,” she murmured before her smile widened. “The bathroom is right there when I need it. I have my cane. I can order anything I want and watch TV all night. I’ll be fine.”

Since when was I such a masochist? Why couldn’t I walk out the door?Do you want me to stay with you?No way would I ask that question because I already knew the answer. It would be easier to bang my head against the wall and probably less painful.

It was because she looked so damn helpless, and I had never been any good at ignoring a wounded animal. That was how she struck me. It was safer to think of her that way than to think about using her luscious tits as a pillow.

I turned away before she had the chance to bitch me out for staring. “Then I guess I’ll go.”

“Wait a second.”

My breath caught before I turned around, ready to tell her I’d stay.

“Could you get something from the kitchen for me?”

What was that twinge in my chest? Disappointment? “Sure.”

“There should be a box of plastic wrap on the counter.”

“What’s that for? Some weird sex thing?” I joked, trying to lighten the thoughts of doubt that lingered.

“Why is everything about sex with you?”

“Newsflash. Everythingisabout sex.”

“Well, right now, I need the plastic wrap if I want to take a shower. To keep my leg dry.”

That made sense.But…“Are you sure that’s safe? Showering alone at a time like this?”

As soon as her jaw tightened, I knew I was in for it. “Please. I just want to be able to take a shower tomorrow without getting my sutures wet. If you want to help me, bring me the plastic wrap.”

“Fine.” I marched back to the kitchen, where, sure enough, there was a new box of plastic wrap on the marble counter. I grabbed it and took it to the bedroom, tossing it on the bed. “Anything else?”

“No, that’s it.” She rolled her eyes dramatically before leaning back against the padded headboard. “Thank you for going out of your way.” Somehow, she still managed to sound superior.

It was better to leave while I still had a shred of self-control intact, or else I might have had no choice but to ask just what the hell I ever did to make her hate me and what I could do to change things.

That still wouldn’t answer the more important question.

Why did I care so much?