Page 16 of Guarded Love

“Would anybody have described us as classy back in the day?” I mused. We both knew the answer, of course, hence him asking the question. No, nobody would have used that word.Stupid. Useless. Fat. Ugly. Mistake.Those words I’d been much better acquainted with.

What an unfortunate time for tears to spring to my eyes. The makeup artist who worked on me that morning made sure to use waterproof mascara, but that didn’t mean I wanted to dissolve into tears in front of everybody. “Honestly? I really can’t believe how far you’ve come.”

“We’vecome,” he corrected in a gentle voice full of love. “Both of us. Meandyou.”

“Only because you’re the best brother in the world.”

He shrugged it off. “It’s easy to be a good brother to the best sister.”

“We need to be careful,” I warned, “or we’re going to compliment each other to death.”

His laughter inspired my own. “Thank you for being here. I mean it. It means the world to me to share this day with you.”

“It means the world to me that Lourde went out of her way to bring me into the group and make me feel like a part of things. Tell her that for me?” I asked, searching for her over his shoulder. “It’s not easy tracking down a happy bride on a day like this. There wasn’t really a lot of time to connect today.” Not with Mrs. Diamond scheduling virtually every moment of her daughter’s life leading up to her walk down the aisle on her father’s arm.

It had been worth it. Watching her float along beneath the arch formed by flowering branches lining both sides of the white runner, her eyes sparkling with joyful tears while my brother struggled to hold his emotions back. I wouldn’t have traded that moment for anything. It was something out of a fairy tale. The princess found her prince.

“No worries. I’ll tell her while we are on our honeymoon.”

I rolled my eyes gently before chuckling. “I would think you’d have more important things to worry about while you’re on your honeymoon, brother.”

“You know what I mean,” he chided with a grin. “And hey! When we get back, you’ll be healing up from your surgery, and we’ll have to catch up on everything. I’m so glad for you. This… this is the kind of thing I want for you someday, Eve.”

And there it was.

We couldn’t just be happy without him trying to squeeze me in there somewhere. My future. What he wanted for me. “I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you,” I whispered while he nodded, acknowledging a pair of well-wishers who danced past us.

“So, listen. You should stay at the penthouse in SoHo during your recovery. I only wish I could be there to take care of you.”

“I’ll figure it out.” I wasn’t sure how, but I would manage. “This isn’t my first rodeo, remember?”

“I’m way ahead of you.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning, I asked Magnus to keep an eye on you while you’re recovering.”

I stopped swaying and stared up in disbelief. “No.” My reply was short and sharp. A single word with finality.

He rolled his eyes and huffed an exasperated sigh. The song changed to something up-tempo, but we remained in place while the floor filled with exuberant dancers. “I know you two get on each other’s nerves, but—”

“There’s nobutabout it. If you know we don’t get along—”

“He’s the only person who, one, I trust, and two, without a work schedule to worry about.”

“Hire a nurse, then.” My mouth snapped shut as soon as the words flew out. I had never gone so far as to tell my brother how to spend his wealth. And he knew it.

His head snapped back while his eyes narrowed in confusion. “I’ve never known you to be so vocal.”

Maybe because this mattered. “I don’t want to insult you. I’m sorry. It’s… been a long week, is all.”

“Don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got you covered.” This was his day, and he couldn’t afford to spend all his time with me. “The photographer’s waving me down. I’d better find out what I’m expected to do next.”

“Stop acting like you don’t love it.” I kissed his cheek before shooing him away. It was a relief, letting a smile I didn’t feel slide from my face.

Magnus. Of all people.

The back of my neck prickled an instant before I turned to find the man himself staring at me. Still surrounded by women, still with a drink in hand and looking like something out of a spread in a magazine. He’d already spoken to my brother and knew what was expected of him.