Page 17 of Guarded Love

By the look on his face, he was no happier about it than I was.



Of all the ways I could spend my day.

Waiting for Evelyn’s surgery to be over so I could pick her up from the hospital was not at the top of my list. Nowhere close. What was worse, something told me my presence wouldn’t be appreciated. It probably had something to do with the way she’d barely stopped short of hissing at me during the reception. Even when we’d paired up to walk down the aisle after the ceremony, she held herself away from me. Like I had germs she was afraid of picking up. Like there was something so heinous about me.

After I’d done the decent thing too. I hadn’t taken advantage of her. I wasn’t expecting a round of applause or anything, but come on. This was why being a decent guy was a complete waste of time. Some people couldn’t be satisfied.

Case in point, the woman I’d put my plans on hold for when I knew she wouldn’t have pissed on my burning, writhing body. Not that I had anything set in stone. Yet, something told me that was exactly why Barrett had called on me to keep an eye on her during her recovery.

Unlike the rest of the group, I had nothing else going on.

Unlike them, I had no desire to work.

Why should I? I had two times what I needed and everything I wanted. If I didn’t have it? It was only a keystroke, a swipe, or a phone call away. Even pussy. I’d never had to work hard for that, either.

Barrett’s text came through around four in the afternoon.

Barrett:The hospital just called me. Everything went fine. She’ll be ready to go in an hour or so.

Me:Sounds good. Get back to your honeymoon.

His reply came through right away.

Barrett:Already way ahead of you.

He then sent a photo of him and Lourde lying back on the deck of a boat. The bastard didn’t need to rub it in. Not that my life was complicated—I could be on a boat if I wanted, as well.

Instead, I had to babysit a grown woman who wanted nothing to do with me and thought I was some fuck toy she could use and discard. What an ass I was to think she was any different than any other woman. They all wanted two things—money and the closest swinging dick available.

She’d fooled me, was all. I needed to toughen up, get my head out of my ass, and stop kidding myself.

The women my friends had settled down with were fine for them, but they were also few and far between. I wouldn’t be so lucky. Fucking around, having fun, that was the way to do it. As soon as I secured Evelyn and washed my hands of the whole situation, I intended to do just that. It couldn’t happen fast enough for me.

I had just returned from the gym, so I took a quick shower and shrugged into a T-shirt and jeans. Nothing to give the woman the idea that I’d put any extra effort into this. She’d fucked with my head, and I didn’t like it when women got the better of me.

I growled to myself as I drove down crowded city streets before the hospital loomed up ahead. I only hoped she’d be ready when I arrived. She was already prickly enough when she was sober and not in post-op pain. She would be a delight, no doubt.

Barrett, you owe me one.But even if I complained about her—which I wouldn’t because I wasn’t a child—I had no doubt he would find it difficult to believe me. She could do no wrong in his eyes. It was almost infuriating.

There was a row of spaces in the covered garage labeledPatient Pick-Up.I slid into one and killed the engine, then followed the signs leading me to the lobby. Where the hell was I supposed to go to get her? “You could’ve given me a little more information, Barrett,” I muttered, reading the map on the wall and grumbling to myself. I didn’t even have her phone number. If I texted him to ask for it, would he get the message? Probably not, at least not right away. He’d be too busy fucking his new wife on a boat or something like that.

I bet his wife wouldn’t cheat on him with some plumber.

“Sir? Can I help you?” I turned at the question and found a middle-aged woman standing behind a long counter. She raised her glasses from where they had slid down the bridge of her nose. “It’s awfully easy to get turned around in this place,” she offered before chuckling.

“I’m here to pick up a friend of mine,” I explained with a sheepish grin as I approached, and I noted the way she tried to hide her reaction. I was used to seeing women getting flushed and giggly when I was in their presence. It was nothing new. Even middle-aged women got horny sometimes. Who was I to judge?

Removing my sunglasses, I hooked them around the collar of my shirt before folding my arms on top of the counter and offering a grin that would no doubt melt her granny panties. I couldn’t help it. “The only problem is, I don’t know where her surgery was taking place. I only know she’s been out for a while and was supposed to be ready in an hour, so here I am.”

“It’s very nice of you to help your friends like that.”

“I do what I can.” Not that Barrett left me much of a choice.

“Which department was she in?” She tapped a keyboard a few times before looking my way and lifting her brows.