THE SUN WAS SETTING low over the desert, the tall buildings of Sin City blocking out its last attempt to light the way. With my wrist resting on the steering wheel, I let my eyes wander over the people walking The Strip while I sat a red light and waited for it to turn green.
That was when I saw them.
The bar back from Empire and Eden.
They were walking beside each other, both with a few bags in hand, and she was laughing at something he was saying. Attached to her side was a stuffed panda bear with a Circus Circus tank top on.
Circus Circus.
Were they on a date?
And then she laughed again, her face lighting up.
Her smile.
It was like the sun changed its mind about setting and came back out.
The area around her seemed brighter than everywhere else.
I noticed they were standing in front of Kennedy’s complex. My eyes moved over their surroundings to see if Kennedy was close by, but they were alone.
Then he leaned in and kissed her cheek, and a fiery shot of jealousy ripped down my spine.
The urge to get out of my car and rip his face off was real, but instead, I pressed down hard on the gas once the light turned green, letting my tires squeal as I sped past them.
Jealousy wasn’t my thing.
No one had what I wanted anyway.
But I knew I had to amp it up if I wanted Eden to quit, and I knew my new ideas were going to be just the thing to get the job done.
“NEW UNIFORMS,” I said, going into Kade’s office as he packed for his trip to New York.
His flight was leaving in two hours, so I knew I had to catch him before he went to the airport.
“What?” he asked, looking up from his desk.
“You wanted something new. Why don’t we switch up the girls’ outfits starting the night before fight night?”
“Okay. What did you have in mind?”
“Do you trust me?” I asked, feeling the intensity in my gaze.
“You know I do.”
“Then leave it up to me.”
“Run with it.” He closed his briefcase and then eyed me suspiciously. “This sudden uniform change wouldn’t have anything to do with Blondie, would it?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. We said we wanted to do something new.”
“Yes, we did.” He shook his head and chuckled to himself. “Word of advice: don’t let Kennedy catch on to what you’re doing.”
“I’m not scared of Kennedy.”