Page 39 of Vanilla and Vice

Kade smirked. “Right.” He moved around his desk. “Are you going to be okay while I’m gone?”

“Of course, I am.”

Kade and I took turns flying to New York while we were in the process of opening our new hotel there, but this was the first time one of us would be gone longer than two weeks.

“Your car’s here,” Cole interrupted, stepping into Kade’s office with his announcement.

Kade eyed me a bit longer, the side of his mouth lifting in a knowing grin. “You’re sure you have this under control?”

Crossing my arms, I lifted a brow at his question.

I was the king of control.

Everyone knew that.

At my expression, he laughed. “Okay then. See you in a couple of weeks. Be good while I’m gone, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I snorted sarcastically at his choice of words.

“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do.”

“Exactly. Have fun.”

With that, he walked toward the door, allowing Cole to take his bags. And then he was gone, leaving me to wonder if I really had things under control.

I would never admit it to anyone, but I had never felt more out of control in all my life. I was hanging on when it came to my sex addiction and Eden, but if I were honest with myself, I would admit that I was barely hanging on by a tiny thread.

I spent the rest of the day taking care of business. I had three conference calls and even managed to deal with the contractors taking care of our new security, the additions to the pool area outside, and a new men’s locker room since the flooding had ruined some of the fixtures.

It was almost time for me to wrap up and go to dinner when Kennedy tapped on my office door and let herself in.

“Are you busy?” she asked, closing the heavy door quietly behind her.

“I was just getting ready to go to dinner. Is everything okay?”

She nodded. “Yes. I just wanted to get your signature on a few things before you left. I know you’ll be back tonight to walk the floors as usual, but I’m leaving early, and I didn’t want to miss you.”

I nodded, waving her over to take the seat in front of my desk.

I didn’t give her time to hand over any documents for my signature or to even say another word before I put different, less critical information on the table.

“We’re switching up the girls’ uniforms,” I said before she could even sit in the chair across from my desk.

She instantly frowned, but my expression didn’t waver. I’d expected a fight, and I had prepared myself beforehand.

“What? Why? There’s nothing wrong with the uniforms. They're demur and classy and—”

I interrupted her. “Kade and I think it’s time to change things up. So we’re going to introduce the new uniforms the night before fight night.”

She stared back at me, her brow lifting the way it usually did before she flew over the edge.

“Do I at least get to see these new uniforms?” Her tone was harsh, and I could feel the anger slowly bubbling beneath her skin.

“Of course.” I grabbed the paper the designer had used to draw the uniforms on and slid it toward her.

She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, grabbing the sketch with a bit of an attitude. She didn’t look at it more than a few seconds before she dropped her hand and stared me down.

“You’re serious with this?”