Page 36 of Finding Home

“Well, for starters I need to know the exact amount of paintings.”

“The finalized amount I got from the client was seven. Six will be for the apartment and one for his main office. However, they aren’t small… he wants them to be feature pieces. Each different, but each their own piece on a particular wall.”

Suddenly I realize how large this project is going to be. Seven feature pieces, which for all I know could each be upwards of thirty-six square feet or more, depending on the size of the wall, is massive.

I nod, biting on my bottom lip as I take in what he is saying. Each piece could take me a month to do. Maybe even longer depending on the exact feel the client is going for.

“This isn’t going to be a short trip—” My sentence is cut short with Dante snorting in amusement at my response. “Something funny?”

“No,” he says, the corner of his lip turning into a smirk. “You’re just putting a lot of thought into everything. You can always figure that out later.”

“No, I can’t.” I snap, not meaning to come off angry or anything but finding myself a little annoyed by his attitude. “All of this is extremely important. I have to figure out the length of time for each, the style, where I’m going to be painting them… it isn’t just as easy as saying yes.”

He doesn’t reply, just continues to stare while I dive back into planning. Dante doesn’t understand art, or anything about creating it, from what I can see. All this is to him is a contract. A deal that he is getting to add to the other notches on his belt.

“When does the client want these done by?”

“He wants them done as soon as possible, but the max I would say is eight months.”

I sigh. “Well, that’s manageable. I guess. Though I don’t really want to be up there for eight months.”

“Well, it could be four to six months, maybe even less. It depends on how long it takes you to do them. All I know is that the client plans to have renovations done in a year, so they have to be done by then.”

Eight months had been manageable, but four months? That would be pushing it. Then again, I have managed to do pieces in a much shorter time period. If I have silence and no other distractions, that is.

Plus, the faster I get them done, the less I have to be around Dante.

“Can I speak to the client?”

This time he laughs. “In time, yes. Right now, no. It takes time to make things happen, but it can happen. So, are you going to take the job?”

I frown at him, my eyes narrowing for the briefest of moments. As much as I would like to say no just to piss him off, I can’t. This money could really change things and Stella desperately needs it.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

His smile widens in an “I knew you were going to say yes” kind of way. “Wonderful. My private plane leaves tonight. Be ready.”

He doesn’t give me time to question him or protest before he turns and walks down the hall to the door. My heart is all but in my throat as I subconsciously lift my coffee to my lips and take a long sip trying to wrap my head around what the hell just happened.

I’m going to New York with Dante Lewis.

The thought alone sets my nerves on edge. If I’m not careful, I have a feeling this deal could be my downfall when it comes to that man.

Chapter Fifteen


After a moment of shock, reality sets in and Dante’s demand to leave tonight comes rushing back to me like a tsunami raiding the coastal beaches. There is no way in hell I can leave tonight!

“Wait,” I call out, hurrying after him.

Dante pauses and slowly turns to look at me, a dark eyebrow raised in question.

“What do you mean tonight? That doesn’t give me much time.”

“I saw the rooms. The murals look pretty much done to me.”

“Not hardly,” I argue. “I haven’t even started on some and there’s still a lot of finishing touches to make.”