Page 37 of Finding Home

“That can wait. This can’t. Besides, from what I can tell, my brother and the others will be working on this place for quite a while still.”

God, he is so infuriating. He just expects to snap his fingers and have everyone rushing to do his bidding. Slamming a hand on my hip, I narrow my eyes.

“I still have my commitment here,” I practically growl.

“This,” he says, gesturing around the house, “isn’t making you—or your friend—any money.”

“Money isn’t everything.”

Two dark eyebrows raise in surprise. “Maybe not, but it sure makes life easier.”

We stand facing each other, neither saying a word for a couple of minutes. It feels like a standoff, like he’s waiting for me to cave. But this time, I refuse to. Everything Sam and Madi have been teaching me about standing up for myself seems to have finally stuck. Yet, the longer we stare at each other, the more uncomfortable I become.

And not just because of the confrontation. It’s the way he’s staring at me, as if he’s undressing me with his eyes. I can practically feel everywhere those dark orbs touch me. A shiver works its way down my spine and I clear my throat.

“I suppose I can fly back and work on the mural here and there,” I mumble irritably, causing Dante to grin as he slowly opens his mouth. “I’m not finished.”

Snapping his mouth shut, his smile falls. “Go on.”

“This project is going to take months, which means I’m practically moving to New York. Leaving tonight isn’t practical when I still have to find a place to live, studio time?—”

Holding up his hand, he cuts me off. “I already have that handled. You don’t need to worry about anything. You simply need to be ready at seven when I come to pick you up.”

Part of me is extremely turned on by the way he is taking control and bossing me around. The dominant side of him shining through makes me press my thighs together trying to soothe the ache between my legs. The other part of me though, is tired of being pushed around.

“Look, stop trying to tell me what I’m going to do. I get that is what you're used to, but this is my work, Dante. I will make the rules to fit into your client’s guidelines. You don’t get to just tell me where I’m going and staying. I want to know, otherwise I’m not getting on the plane.”

“Then you wouldn’t get the money—” he starts, but this time I cut him off.

“You know you keep bringing that up, but it makes me wonder. Why, if it's just a simple job for hire, did you need to fly all the way down here to ask me in person, instead of just doing it on the phone? Could it be because you wanted to make sure I said yes? Or is it because you can’t afford for me to say no?”

He stills, staring at me with absolutely no emotion as he exhales. “I’ll email you over some information within the hour.”

Feeling proud of myself, I let the glowing feeling of accomplishment fill me. “Great, I’ll see you tonight then.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven.” This time, when he walks away, I let him. I’ve got a few hours before I need to go home and pack, which will give me some time to do a little more work on the murals.

There’s really not that much more to do right now. Just a few touch-up areas until Knox and his dad finish the other rooms. I lied about that, but I didn’t like the way he was acting so sure of himself… and of me. In fact, I’m sure I can finish the final touches today if I get busy and stay focused. That way, I will be able to concentrate on the paintings while I’m in New York, instead of worrying about getting back here to finish up.

I spend the rest of the day painting. At around five p.m., I brush am arm over my forehead and stand back to study my work.

A smile spreads across my face. The mural is lively and inspiring, and I think the kids who come here will enjoy it.

After cleaning my brushes and the area, I pack up my things and go home. A quick shower later, I grab my suitcase and put it on the bed. I have a little over an hour to finish packing up my few belongings before Dante is supposed to pick me up.

I still can’t believe I’ll be going to New York with him. As a young girl, I would have given just about anything to spend some time with my best friend’s older brother. Although I’m still excited, I’m also nervous. Dante has a way of pushing my buttons and setting me on edge. Both emotionally and physically.

And now, I’ll be spending who knows how much time with him.

The sound of the doorbell echoes through the house. I look up with alarm, then glance at my phone lying next to my suitcase. It’s barely six o’clock, surely Dante isn’t this early!

My heart gallops in my chest with the thought of seeing him again and I rush to the door, practically yanking it open. Knox smiles at me from the other side and I deflate just a little bit. I didn’t really want it to be Dante, I tell myself.

“Hey Kylie,” Knox says, stepping around me to come into the house. “I wanted to see you before you left.”

I’d sent him a text message earlier letting him know I was going to New York with Dante for a job.

“You’re just in time,” I say with a smile as I close the front door. “Your brother will be here soon to pick me up. Come on back to my room and we can chat while I pack.”