Page 123 of The Secrets We Keep

A slow smile spread across my face. “Well, all right then.”

She smiled back. “So, dinner tonight?”

“I’d be honored.”

“Okay, but, Macon?” She looked suddenly embarrassed. “Can you take me to the market? I hate that place.”

The sound of my laughter filled the whole fucking coffee shop.

* * *

Marin wasn’t kidding.

She really hated the grocery store.

After grabbing our food at the coffee shop, she dropped my tired ass off at my house to shower and change. We met up at the grocery store a few hours later while her parents went back to the inn to rest.

Walking down the aisles, I tried not to laugh. It was like watching an alien visit Earth for the first time.

“Do you really live on takeout?” I asked. “Like, all the time?”

She shrugged. “There’s the ramen. But I have that stuff delivered.”

“Good God.”

When I started picking out tomatoes for a marinara, she frowned and asked, “It doesn’t come from a jar?”

Fucking adorable.

“I’m gonna have to give you cooking lessons one of these days,” I stated as I grabbed a bulb of garlic and threw it in a bag.

“Okay, but only if you do it naked.”

“That sounds dangerous.” I laughed, tossing in another.

She poked at a bundle of basil with a frown. “We’ll get you an apron. Something frilly and pink.”

“Only if we get one for you that says,Macon’s favorite dessert, with a big arrow…” I made sure to gesture with my finger, dragging it from her chest down to her?—

She laughed, grabbing my hand before it could reach its destination.

“Insatiable,” she reminded me.

I pulled her hand to my lips, kissing her palm.

A loud crash jerked my attention behind us. Someone had run into our cart with a string of apologies, and when I turned around, I found the bright red face of my ex.


“Sorry, my cart must have gotten away from me for a moment.”

That happens when you’re not paying attention to it.

Marin tried to pull her hand away. It was still palm up, just inches from my mouth. I would not make her think I felt guilty for being caught by my ex in public.

Very purposely, I curled my fingers through hers and then tugged her hand to my side.

“For someone who doesn’t live here, you seem to be around a lot.”