Page 124 of The Secrets We Keep

I had seen her less when I was married to her.

Her face hardened. “The sheriff has commitments, remember? He serves the entire county.”

Kind of weird she had referred to him asthe sheriff.

“I remember,” I answered, “But I didn’t realize you had to come along, too.”

“I—” She let out a huff. “I like coming. It gives me a break for a night.” Her eyes widened before she added, “I mean, it gives us both a break. Together.”

It was then that I noticed it.

The tiredness in her voice.

The dark circles.

I didn’t know why I cared, but the words came out anyway. “Are you okay?”

She took a step back, a flash of surprise that was quickly replaced with anger. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be? I have everything I want.”

She thought that blow would hurt.

It used to.

“Have a nice day, Kristy,” I said before turning my attention back to Marin. She placed her free hand on our cart, and we started to make our exit.

“Macon,” a soft voice called after me.

I turned to see my ex-wife standing there, looking more like the woman I had married. Only this version of her was difficult to look at. She looked stripped bare and utterly wrecked.

“You have to stop pushing him,” she said.

“What?” I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about.

“He doesn’t like to feel threatened. And lately?—”

He feels threatened? Since when?

“He’s never been able to control me,” I said. “You know that.”

It’s why I lost you.

“He’s only going to put up with it for so long,” she said.

“Are you saying my job is on the line?” I felt my throat tighten.

Her gaze searched mine, and then suddenly, it was like a wall came down. “Just…be careful,” she said, straightening her spine before turning and walking off.

I turned back to Marin, and I saw the fear in my own eyes staring back at me.

I was trained to do one thing on this island.

What would I do if that was taken away from me?

I tried to relax. I tried to plaster a fake smile across my face.

“Well, that was weird,” I said, pushing our cart as far away from Kristy as I could.

“You’re not worried?” she asked, the lines on her forehead deep with concern. “About what she said?”