Page 75 of Virtue

“You don’t creep me out.” I smile at her. “I’m glad we met.”

“Same.” She glances to our right. “Do you like ice cream?”

“What kind of question is that?”

She lets out a high-pitched giggle. “Do you want to skip dinner and go straight to dessert? We can share a banana split if you want.”

“I want.” I nod. “With extra chocolate syrup.”

“You read my mind.” She grabs my hand to tug me toward the shop. “My treat since you, my friend, are treating me to the wedding dress of my dreams.”



“A cardiologistand a vascular surgeon walk into a bar.”

I don’t wait for the punch line to laugh. “What do you want, Evan?”

“If you let me finish, you’d know.” He pats my shoulder as he takes a spot next to me in front of a bank of elevators. “A cardiologist and a vascular surgeon walk into a bar.”

I shoot him a look. “Go on.”

“The vascular surgeon buys the cardiologist another drink to thank him for that kick ass album he bought him.”

“That’s not a joke,” I point out.

“Who the hell said it was?” He chuckles.

I shake my head. “I’m on my way to my office.”

“You and that fancy as fuck office.” He smiles. “You’re going to jump the ship that is this world class health facility and go all private practice on me, aren’t you?”

We step aside as the elevator doors slide open. Several people step off but two remain on. I shake my head to send them ontheir way without us because this conversation stays between Evan and me.

Once the doors slide shut, he elbows me. “I thought you were the nice guy. You just blew off two of our esteemed colleagues.”

“They’ll survive.”

“True.” He laughs. “Back to the private practice.”

I lower my voice. “I’m never leaving this place, but I can offer care there that I can’t here.”

“Like what?” He searches my face. “Are we talking lip injections? I’ve noticed yours has been swollen in that one spot lately. You may want to consult with Dr. Brentwood for some pointers on how to line the needle up correctly.”

I touch the tip of my tongue to the spot on my lip that Eloise can’t seem to keep her teeth from.

“It’s not from an injection.” I narrow my eyes. “Are you sure you’re medical license is real?”

“As real as real can be.” He steps back to widen his stance. “Everything you see here is one hundred percent the real deal.”

“Good to know.” I look up to see which elevator will make its descent first.

“A wild one did that to you.” He pokes an elbow into my ribs. “It’s from a woman, isn’t it?”

I ignore that to circle back to the reason I’m nurturing my practice. “My granddad left me a bundle, Evan. It’s a hell of a lot easier to put it to good use at my practice.”

“Are you telling me that you’re a real life Dr. Robin Hood?”