Page 76 of Virtue

I bark out a laugh. “I didn’t steal my fortune from anyone.”

“But, you are helping people who don’t have the means to get the help they require?”

That’s a simple way of putting it, so I nod. “Something like that.”

“I want in on this.” He pats my shoulder. “I doubt like hell my bank account rivals yours but I’m willing to put in some time helping anyone who you think may need a consult.”

“If you’re willing to do house calls, I can use the help.”

“House calls?” Confusion edges the question. “I’m all in for going old school, but I need my equipment to diagnose anything in my field.”

“I know.” I pat his shoulder. “I’m talking a few spare hours a week to visit people who don’t have access to health care. Think common colds, urinary tract infections, eczema. The list goes on.”

I don’t spell out that I’m on a first name basis with many of the people in this city who don’t have a place to call home, but he gets it. I can see that in his expression.

“You’re a goddamn saint, Gaines.” His expression turns serious. “Do people know what a good man you are?”

“The ones who matter do.” I glance over his shoulder to see Dr. Sexton on the approach. “They’re the only ones I care about.”

Logan passes us without a word to me, but he’s got a greeting for the man standing next to me. “Good afternoon, Dr. Scott.”

“Hey, Logan,” Evan responds before Logan rounds the corner.

I drop a gaze to my watch as the elevator sounds its impending arrival.

“You two went to medical school together, right?” Evan asks. “You and Logan did.”

“Sure did.”

“You must have done something to piss him off because I’ve yet to see him acknowledge you.”

He leaves out the part about me pretending Dr. Sexton doesn’t exist unless I’m forced to.

I shrug that off because I won’t dive back into that mess. It’s a closed book now. Our friendship ended in a way that doesn’t offer a path for repairing it.

“Who needs him?” Evan laughs. “So, the drink? Tonight, or…”

“I’ll let you know,” I interrupt him because I want more time with Eloise. “I’ll text you.”

“Works for me.” He jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “I’m heading to the ED waiting room. I heard they restocked the vending machines.”



I pickup the condom package from the floor of my bedroom. I didn’t notice it when I was heading out to school this morning. I also didn’t make my bed.

The sheets are still a tangled mess.

They’re a reminder of what happened between Gaines and I before we parted to face our day apart.

My phone chimes so I take off out of the room in search of it.

I find it resting on the couch next to my tote. I dropped it all there, along with the cardigan I was wearing when I got home from my ice cream date with Pen.

Even though I’m hoping it’s Gaines, I feel no disappointment when I see who sent me a text message.

Stevie: Guess what? Guess what?