Page 42 of Royal Fake

“Fine,” I gruffed.

“You’ll get used to it,” Georg tossed out there like throwing your life away was a thing everyone did every day.

“How many have you seen get used to it?” He eyed me and I returned the scrutiny.

“None…” Liar. “You’re the first, he must really love you.”

“Don’t!” My stare narrowed into really a fucking mean scowl.

“Well, there have been a few women in this seat, but none so lovely as you, minus that rotten face you just pulled.” He bit his lip and started pulling pins out of my bun.

“And?” I needed the dirt on Liam. I was about to make the biggest mistake of my whole life. I had to make sure I stepped my foot right into the shit, knowing full well how messed up I was going to be.

“And nothing became of them, they came, and they went,” he lilted and hummed.

“Nope.” I pulled my head out of range so he couldn’t do my hair. I had him cornered, I needed everything he had.

“Okay. I suppose you should know as you’re the only one, and I mean it, that has been flagged as a high alert.” His shoulders slumped as if he just gave up the whereabouts of a secret rebel base.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” My glare softened but only a little.

“Well,” he took a deep breath. “High alert is a girl or rather woman that will not only be meeting the king but sleeping in the cottage. James has mentioned that Liam intended to spend a lot of time with you so when on high alert, we are all paid more as our services will be in higher demand.” All business… hmm.

“And by ‘we’ you mean?” I loved that with only a little bit of needling he sold out the whole galaxy.

“Myself, your nutritionist, your publicist, your speechwriter, though that person won’t be starting for a while yet, your assistant, and eventually your wait staff.” He shrugged and flashed a huge grin.

“What the hell?” I felt my face flush with heat.

“And perhaps a linguist. Now, I have precious little time.” He went back to doing my hair and humming his damned song.

“And Liam has hired all of these people in the last two days?” I could barely say the words without going raving bitch on the man.

“I’ve been on board for a while as I’ve stated. The rest are being appropriated from another woman who Liam was supposed to marry. She’s been in training for some time now.” And it was his turn to sound a little pissy.

“Do you like her? This woman who was supposed to marry him?” Oh, finally I was diggin’ up some dirt.

“I don’t dislike her.”

“But you dislike me?” Oh, this was fun, truly, deliciously fun.

“If I met you out at a club, I’d enjoy your company I’m sure, but as the potential queen of Ireland, I have my work cut out for me.” His exasperated sigh just pissed me off more.

“Why? Because I don’t have a pole lodged up my ass?” I cocked my head and went all diva on him.

“Perhaps, yes. Those who are properly trained and prepared for their role in the monarchy are much less of a hassle.” Now he was using his hairbrush as a weapon as he worked out his frustration on my long strands of hair that had been dangerously close to knotting around all the pins he removed.

“What about Liam’s one-night stands? Do they have to endure this torture?” I mean we were there, might as well stay there.

“They don’t lunch with the king, but yes, I have styled every single one of them.” I think he almost rolled his eyes.

“And that would be how many exactly?” I started to shake a little, the moment of truth had arrived.

“Too many to count,” he lowered his voice knowing the bomb he dropped on me.

“But you say, I’m different?” I started to tremble.

“Well, I’m not sure how different you are. You’re pretty as I’ve said, but he’s had beauties before, however, the protocols for you are the same as Lady O’Day which means you are serious business and being such, I need you to let me focus on getting your look just right. We are running out of time.” Suddenly, he was flustered and sweaty.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to become Georg’s chummy pal or his worst enemy. I decided not to make that decision and let him just work on my hair while I sorted through my feelings. I had hated his humming because it was dismissive, however, I appreciated it at that moment because it was like a sound barrier between his reality and mine. I had never felt so alone and far away from anything tangible. I wish I could have called Kylie because she had been through this kind of thing so many times before. She had many fake relationships and had put on a brave face for the public. Before she met Alec she was the biggest playgirl in modeling history. I could certainly brave a prince if she could manage one fake relationship then another. I needed her advice. I started shifting in my chair trying to reach my cell phone which was on the table next to Georg’s workstation. Suddenly I absolutely had to call Kylie.