Page 41 of Royal Fake

I did not necessarily want to become king of Ireland though I had been told I would be from the moment I understood language. I was gradually warming up to the idea as I wanted to make some changes to the ancient aristocracy and create a more modern monarchy. My father was very traditional and adhered to all of the old and staid ideals. I wanted to be a little more revolutionary and Avery was my first step in that direction.

As soon as we reached the front door, my butler, Finnegan opened the door for us without my having to announce our arrival.

“Welcome home, Your Majesty,” he said and bowed. “Shall I take your coats?”

I nodded to Avery as I took off my overcoat hoping she would do the same. I handed my coat to Finnegan and she followed suit. I then took Avery’s arm and walked her into the cottage. Her eyes widened with awe and wonder, and I felt the tickling of joy heat my insides. She looked precious experiencing the cottage’s grandeur.

There were ancient paintings on the walls created by famous Greek and Roman painters that my father had acquired during his many visits to Italy and Greece. Statues adorned the corners of the large three-story stateroom and heavy brocade tapestries covered the tall windows, blocking out a lot of the midday light, thus protecting the masterpieces, but also presenting a rather gloomy first impression. Avery didn’t seem to mind.

“This place is incredible,” she said wandering around, finding her feet taking the lead as she neared one of the paintings of Aphrodite.

“Aphrodite, the goddess of sex, no wonder you like her,” I teased.

“She’s not just the goddess of sex, she does other stuff.” Her snarling face was adorable.

“Like give people babies and boners?” I couldn’t help myself.

“You’re terrible,” she chided.

“Yep, still terrible and I don’t plan on changing, but you, my dear queen, do have to change.” I nodded to Georg standing in the distance ready to do his magic. “See what I did there?” I shuffled her toward him knowing that the day was going to quickly become much more overwhelming. There was definitely going to be a hot bath and a good fuck in our future to make up for all the shit I was about to put her through.

“What now?” She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “My hair looks great!” Her hands flew to her hips in protest.

“Everything on you looks great, but we are about to dine with the king, you have to be at the height of greatness. Trust me after today, you won’t be seeing much of him.”

Still glaring, she scoffed. “If I have to change clothes every time I see him and not wear what I design, then I hope we don’t see him at all, this is really cramping my style.”

Oh, she had no idea how much of her style the King of Ireland intended to cramp.

Chapter 15


Georg took me into a room where there was a wardrobe rack with several different outfits hung on it. He was kind and as attentive as he was in the jet, but I could tell he was definitely team Irish Monarchy. He was so overzealous and fastidious I started to feel dizzy. Everything was quickly careening out of my control. I wasn’t sure how much I was willing to take because I felt as if Liam had not been upfront with me about what I would be expected to do.

“Well, hello again,” he started as he guided me into a chair. “I’m so excited you are having lunch with the king,” he started. “None of Liam’s other…” he hesitated for a moment… “dates have had the pleasure.”

I gave him a lackluster, “Woo hoo.”

“Now, let’s first choose your outfit and then I’ll do your hair and makeup.” Suddenly, he was all business.

“Didn’t you literally just do my hair and makeup?” I didn’t want to fume, so I was holding my temper, but I didn’t play this game.

I was the kid who wore pink jeans I had painted flowers on and shoes from thrift stores that I made my mom buy because they were vintage… to kindergarten. I wasn’t a “throw my hair in a bun and wear a pencil skirt” kind of girl and there was no way on in hell I was going to become one. I could play princess for a day if I had to but there was no chance that Liam was going to get me to put on this kind of show every day all day for the duration of a contract that lasted through the birth of at least two if not more children. I wanted children and I was seriously starting to like Liam, but nothing was worth that kind of personal sacrifice.

“Well, I did your arrival hair. Now it’s time for your lunch hair.” He flailed his arms and I knew there was no swaying the man, I’d have to surrender.