Page 30 of Royal Fake

“Thank you,” I reminded myself to stay polite.

Avery, in a show even greater than the one I was planning on putting on, ran to me and threw her arms around my neck. Though she was much shorter than me, she catapulted herself into my embrace, making me chuckle.

“Liam,” she squealed.

“Ready to go my love?” I poured it on nice and thick.

“Well…” She bit her lip and took a step back.

“We have some questions,” Alec Blair said as he came at me with his hand outstretched. “I’m Alec. Sorry to ambush you this way, but my wife has concerns about you taking her best friend off into the sunset without some idea of who you really are,” he chuckled probably noticing how stupid he sounded after he said that out loud.

“I’m Madison, Avery’s roommate, please have a seat,” said the pretty dark-haired girl with a head full of curls.

I half expected her to offer me poisoned wine the moment I sat on her arty slip-covered couch but she had a beautiful smile and was being pleasant. No need to draw my saber just yet. Seeing Avery with her two roommates made me better understand their bond. They were all gorgeous in their own way and very independent, despite one being married; together they had to be quite a handful.

“It seems you are all under the wrong impression.” I smiled a wide and toothy grin and began my part of the show. I glanced over to Avery, whose face fell a little probably assuming I was planning on reneging on my offer.

“How so?” Alec remained conversational as he sat across from me politely threatening. “By claiming to be the prince of a country even we dumb Americans know doesn’t have a monarchy?”

“Not a ruling monarchy, but a very well-thriving symbolic one.” I looked at Avery. “Well, Avery? What have you shared with your friends?” I didn’t want to say something she hadn’t since this was going to be hard enough.

“Just that we are going to Ireland to see your family…” Her face was very strained.

“And get married,” Madison glared and said in a sing-song tone.

“Well, only if she likes the family,” I made a joke.

“And the castle?” said Madison.

“Naturally,” I replied.

“After knowing each other for forty-eight hours?” Kylie dove in.

“Well, Disney princesses get even less time, some only had one dance.” I tried to make light of the situation, but Avery was the only one who laughed. “Whatever happened to being reckless and fun?”

Avery sat beside me and scooped my hand into hers. “You all are being horrible. Liam is a wonderful guy and a real prince. Kylie, you and Alec know sometimes love can bloom out of convenience.”

Avery looked at me with stars in her eyes and I panicked. I didn’t really think of actually loving her. I knew enough about Alec and Kylie’s relationship, albeit only by what the media had shared, to know that they had a media-made marriage until they genuinely fell in love with each other after being forced together because of an accidental pregnancy. Avery and I were going to be wed for different, but similar reasons. We would be purposely marrying, and intentionally having children, but the idea of love, in the traditional sense wasn’t really on offer. I fully hoped to continue my wild womanizing ways after a time. I would perhaps slow down, most definitely while married to Avery, or at least until the second child arrived, but give it all up entirely for one person I hardly knew? No, that wasn’t really the situation I had envisioned.

This was going to be all for fun and it would save me from a loveless marriage to a woman I definitely didn’t want to be married to forever, that was it, and Avery would be well compensated for her part in it. Though, as I sat there weighing my options, I realized, telling the ravenous crowd of zealous Avery fans I planned on loving their friend for the rest of her days was probably the safest and quickest maneuver.

“Most definitely. I fully expect our love to bloom,” I added giving Avery’s hand a little squeeze.

“So, what are you planning exactly?” Madison seemed to calm down a little.

“Well, I find myself in an awkward position, really.” I decided to play on their heartstrings a little. “In order for me to take the throne—”

“A real throne or a symbolic one?” Alec interrupted.

“It’s in a board room,” Kylie replied, trying to be helpful but not succeeding.

“—and allow my father his much-needed retirement, I must, by our family traditions, be wed before my fortieth birthday, which is hot on my heels. I’m not going to lie, I’m to return to Ireland and be betrothed to the most ungodly spinster, but alas, she’s a family favorite. I don’t want to marry this woman, as you might guess. We don’t love each other and there is no chance we ever will. So, imagine my great delight when I met Avery. We’ve spent every moment of the last two days together and I’ve never been with a more charming, interesting, creative, sexy, and loving person in all of my days.” Not entirely a lie, in fact, most of it was the truth. “She is perfection. I know this is short notice, but we’re not really doing much more than just visiting Ireland at the moment. I must return home as I have duties there—”