Page 31 of Royal Fake

“Symbolic or real?” asked Alec. He was beginning to annoy me.

“Quite real, I assure you, and I’m bringing Avery along. If she likes what she sees, yes, we’ll be wed in a rather short amount of time, however, we’ve sloughed off beheadings and we no longer burn people at the stake so, if by some unfathomable chance Avery wants a divorce, she’ll be granted a divorce and may return to New York with my blessing.” I bowed to her working my act.

Just at that moment, there was a knock at the door. Most likely, these were the parents. If I could handle my father, I could definitely deal with the kind of people who would raise an Avery.

“Great,” Avery wasn’t entirely happy. “My parents are here.” Her painful grin was priceless.

“Oh, wonderful.” I did my best to soften my smile, I think only Alec could see the strain in it.

“Mom, Dad,” Avery threw her arms wide to greet them as the rest of us stood up.

“Getting through Manhattan traffic is a bear. I remember why we never come down here,” her father complained.

“Not now dear.” Avery’s mother looked at me and I could see where Avery got the twinkle in her eyes. Her mother was obviously awestruck as I’d seen that look so many times before on any other person who ever heard I was a prince.

I extended my hand to them. “Prince Liam,” I took Avery’s mother’s hand first and bowed my head to her then offered a firm handshake to her father.

“Mom, Dad, this is Liam. Thanks for coming down here on such short notice. I wanted you all to meet him before we headed out to Ireland.” Avery was effervescent as she flitted around the room. “Can I get everyone something to drink?”

Finally, the ice had broken a little. All her people were here and I noticed a more relaxed atmosphere as everyone casually took their seats, drank tea, soda, and wine as an impromptu snack tray appeared with olives, cheddar cheese, Ritz crackers, and a tin of sardines. A weird platter, but obviously Madison was making an effort as she seemed to have thrown together whatever they had in their fridge. And cheddar cheese and sardines weren’t half as bad-tasting as it was a bad smell. Avery casually opened a window, which I appreciated.

“I won’t have to stop my work, or even leave New York really. Liam has promised that I’ll be back weekly.”

I cringed a little at her mentioning her return to New York as weekly was going to be a very ambitious plan. I was more thinking monthly, but those little details were best left unmentioned.

“She may definitely continue pursuing the things that make her happy.” I was making sure not to promise too much and incriminate myself.

While the meeting started out to be an intense face-off, it became a pleasant hour of conversation. With their tenuous blessing, Avery’s security team agreed to let her go on her adventure as they called it. I was both terrified and exhilarated to be taking the next steps with her. I kept trying to remind myself that the alternative was no less of a fiction and thus just tried to enjoy the ride.

Chapter 11


I was shocked by my family, Kylie, and Madison actually let me go. I felt a huge weight lift off of my shoulders knowing they had my back but were allowing me to explore this strange new world. And strange it was. After Liam came to my apartment and was attacked by the fam, they eased up when he was charming and honest about the situation we were getting ourselves into. I think my mother secretly wished it was her being swept off her feet. Alec did pull Liam aside for a manly heart to heart, perhaps at Kylie’s request, but I’m sure he was like, you have to man up and do right by me or I’ll round up a mob and storm your castle. This made Liam laugh.

“So, you have quite a family,” Liam stated as soon as we got into the limo.

I rolled my eyes. “And… they were easy on you.”

“I figured I was getting off lightly because I was royalty. I’m glad they let you go; you are a grown woman after all,” he said with a touch of venom.

“I’m glad they care about me. I’m an only child, just like you. God knows I’ve put my parents through a lot. I’m sure they would have loved if I wanted to be a schoolteacher or something remotely easy and sane. We’re from New Jersey, though they are both midwesterners, they live in Jersey now. My being a fashion designer was probably the last thing on earth they ever wanted me to be and secretly I think they wished they had Madison instead. I’m pretty sure Madison is their dream child. She works on wall street, is sort of conservative, hasn’t ever done anything notably crazy or questionable.”