“Liliana rang. She has a friend in labour and needs a midwife.”

“Good luck, and thanks for dinner. I owe you.”

“Yes, you do.” I race out to the driveway and my car. Climbing in, I push the button to open the garage door and reverse out.

The entire drive to the winery, my heart slams inside my chest. I’m worried that Ravin’s waters will break along the drive, and I’ll miss the birth entirely. It’s happened before, and I’ve literally arrived in time to deliver the placenta, nowhere near as beautiful to watch as a new life entering our world.

Finding the driveway to the housing estate, I indicate and pull down the drive. It’s darker than I thought as I turn on my high beams. A slender figure comes out of the shadows, making me jump in my seat. It takes me a moment to realise it’s Liliana.

She opens the passenger side door then gets in. “Hey, thanks for coming. I know you have been working all day.”

“It’s okay. An expectant mother needs help, and I can do just that. Feels like I’m a Lead Maternity Carer again.” I smile as the gates open, and we drive up.

I keep the high beams on the entire way up the drive because it’s pitch black. The further I wind down the driveway, the more I get the feeling I’m being watched. I steal glances out of my periphery, only seeing darkness.

“I’m only sorry you can’t see this place during the daytime. It’s gorgeous. All the forest trees surrounding the houses,” Liliana says, making small talk.

“I have dropped you off at the entrance, so I get the idea,” I reply.

“You want the house down to the left with the outside light on,” Liliana says. I follow her lead and park outside a beautiful two-story home. It’s like I’m stepping into one of the billionaire romance novels I enjoy reading on occasion. I pocket my keys, and Liliana helps with my gear. We make our way inside. It’s gorgeous, with an open-plan living, dining and kitchen. A fireplace is on the outside wall with one of the old-style brick surrounds.

I follow Liliana into the lounge and dining where we place my things.

“I’ll just head upstairs and tell Ravin that you are here. Then, I’ll come help you with your gear,” Liliana says.

Leaving me alone, she dashes off, and I spin around the lounge. It’s vast, and you can certainly tell they are preparing for a baby with all the items around the room. When I spin to face the kitchen and then back around to the main entranceway, I find someone leaning on a doorframe off to the rear of the house: a very familiar, very tall, and very handsome someone.


He grins. “Winter, this is a pleasant surprise.”

“I’m here to deliver a baby,” I blurt. “I mean, I was informed by my friend Liliana that you need my midwifery services and I-” I don’t finish the sentence as an awful thought washes over me. Here I am, drooling over him, and he’s about to have a baby. I’m a bloody idiot!

* * *


Winter’s face is easy to read, and I can tell she thinks I’m the one having the baby. I step forward into the lounge and close the space between us. She steps back.

“Don’t move away from me.”

“But aren’t you having the baby? Why are you flirting with me?” She looks at me through steel-grey eyes that plead with me that it’s not the case. This woman has been shattered before. I can see the tears glistening in her eyes, and I want nothing more than to kiss her fears away. One kiss and the connection will be strong, powerful, and nothing like either of us have experienced. However, I can’t. No matter how much I’m desperate to kiss her lips and tangle my tongue with hers, the clan can’t know I suspect my mate is human. Not yet at least. Especially since a few of them don’t want her on the property at all at this precise moment.

“I can assure you I’m not the one having a baby. It’s my sister, Ravin. I need your help. We haven’t been able to get hold of any midwives, and we are worried.” She breathes a sigh of relief. “Does this mean I might have a chance to get your number?” I ask.

She winks. “If I can meet my patient and get her safely delivered? Maybe.”

She’s playing hard to get. I’ll get her, and when I do, I’ll keep her.

Footsteps are heard overhead and coming down the stairs. I move away from Winter, who begins busying herself with the bags of things she’s brought. Liliana appears moments later.

“Right. Ravin is ready for you. She mentioned something about a water birth but wants to discuss it with you first,” Liliana says, entering the lounge.

“A water what?” I growl. “Won’t that harm the baby?”

Winter looks at me. “Nope, perfectly normal. You can help carry my gear upstairs unless those muscles of yours are just for show.” She throws me a grin. Cheeky minx.

“Lily, are they in Ravin’s room?” I ask.