“Sure are.” I bend down and pick up the bags of stuff as instructed by Winter. We make our way up the stairs and into Ravin and Aaron’s bedroom. Hearing my sister moan in pain has me itching to shift into my wolf form to protect her. It pains me to hear her in agony and know I can’t help. I’ve protected my siblings since I was sixteen, always looking out for them and this time, all I can do is watch.
The door is closed, and I knock. It’s opened moments later by Aaron. He looks at me. “I have the midwife, Winter.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”
“Winter, meet Aaron, the expectant father,” I introduce.
“How far apart are her contractions?” Winter asks.
“I…umm, don’t know. We didn’t take birthing classes; we’ve been told not to by the midwife who was supposed to be here tonight,” he informs Winter but gives me a look that says he’s not happy with Martha or her team. I make a mental note to catch up with them to find out what happened tonight and whether or not we need to start looking for another midwife or allowing our women to go to external birthing centres. Despite keeping most births in-house, if a birthing centre or hospital birth is what our mothers want, it’s what they get.
“I’d like to meet Ravin and examine her. I need to know how far along she is; then we will go from there.” Aaron walks us into the bathroom, where the shower is running. I can’t see Ravin yet, and I don’t want to either. I can’t bear to hear her in this much pain, but I know it’s only going to get worse.
“Aaron, is there something I can do to make myself useful while this all happens?” I ask, pulling Aaron aside while Winter takes control of the situation.
He grins. “You’re sticking around because you like the midwife, aren’t you?”
I am, but he doesn’t need to know that. “I’m here because she’s human, and it’s in the best interest of the clan that I keep them safe, that’s all.”
“Yeah, right!” He laughs. “I’ve seen how you’re looking at her. It’s the same as when I look at Ravin. You’ve found your mate.”
“Don’t tell anyone that,” I growl.
“Your secret is safe with me, Alpha. Now, I’ll go spend some time with your soon-to-be Luna and my wife while we deliver our baby. The baby swing could be put together if you want to make yourself useful. It’s down in the lounge behind the couch in its box.”
“On it, boss. Just holler if you guys need anything.” I exit the room quickly but not before I hear Winter say, “Breathe for me. You’re doing a great job, Ravin.” I know, at this moment, I’ve got the right midwife to help my sister.
* * *
“I did it!” Ravin says as she cradles her newborn daughter. “We have a baby!” She leans back against the bath, where she’s just given birth, looking at her daughter. Quickly and discretely, I prepare to deliver her placenta. It doesn’t take long to come, and it comes away with a few pushes from Ravin. I package it up for them as they have asked to keep it to bury it later, as is the custom for Maori culture. Since her husband is Maori, he wants to do it.
“Baby, you did such a great job,” Aaron says. “I’m so proud of you.” He’s grinning from ear to ear.
Ravin begins to shiver, and her teeth chatter. She looks at me. “Can I get out? I’m getting cold.”
“Of course,” I say. Aaron takes the baby from her, and I help her out of the tub.
“Can I have a quick shower? Just to rinse off?” Ravin asks.
“Are you up for it?” I ask. She nods vigorously at me.
I help her by turning on the shower, lucky it’s a walk-in one, so there’s a lot of space for her to move around. After a quick rinse, I help her to dress and get comfortable on the bed. She reaches her arms out for her daughter, and Aaron quickly obliges. She tucks the little girl against her chest, and her husband drapes a fleece baby blanket over them.
Ravin looks at me and smiles. “Thank you for coming to help us.”
“You’re very welcome. Are you wanting to try breastfeeding?” I ask.
She nods, and I help her make sure the baby is latching correctly. She winces a little, but the wee one eagerly sucks. “I’m not sure this will last. I don’t really like it.”
“That’s absolutely fine too. I’ve always said to new mothers that a fed baby is best no matter how it happens.”
“I knew I’d like you from the moment you stepped into this room and reassured me I was doing a great job. Our midwife is so old-fashioned. I want to bottle feed; that way, Aaron can bond with her too.” She looks down, smiling. “I like Indigo for her name.”
Aaron smiles. “Me too. I best go tell the family. I’ll be gone a few moments. Can I get you anything while I’m downstairs, baby?”
Ravin nods. “A cup of tea would be lovely.”