Page 48 of The Guest

She stood up, water sloshing up the sides of the bath, then climbed out, water dripping off her. Gabriel handed her a towel.

“Thanks. So, where did you go today?”

“I rode to Faradale.”

“That far? Did you have lunch there?”

“No, I didn’t bother. I had a sandwich with me.”

Iris swapped her towel for her dressing gown and shrugged it on. “Right. Well, I’m going to get dressed and pour myself a glass of wine. Do you want one?”

“After my shower. I’ll put my clothes straight on a wash, there was so much mud on the roads that they’re filthy.”

“Okay. I’ll meet you in the garden. It’s lovely out there now.”

“The calm before the next storm.”

Iris smiled. “We should make the most of it, then.”


“Laure isn’t answering her phone,” Iris said, hoping to provoke Gabriel into conversation. “Do you think I should phone Esme?”

Dinner had been ready since seven, but Iris had insisted on waiting for Laure. There’d been no news from her since she’d left on her run.

She wasn’t sure if it was Joseph’s no-show—because he hadn’t returned to work this afternoon—that had caused Gabriel’s grumpiness, or if his meeting with Maggie Ingram on Tuesday was playing on his mind. He’d hardly said a word since coming back from his bike ride.

He reached for his glass of wine. “Why do you want to call Esme?”

“To ask if she’s seen Laure.”

“Does she know about Laure and Joseph?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Then if you do phone her, be careful what you say.”

But Esme didn’t answer her phone either.

“I expect they’re all having dinner together and can’t hear their phones,” Iris said, a little sourly. “Laure could have at least let me know.” She paused. “Will you try Hugh?”

“If Esme didn’t answer, I doubt Hugh will.”

“Please, Gabriel. I just want to check that Laure is there.”

He stifled a sigh, took out his phone and called Hugh.

“You’re right, they must be having dinner,” he said, when Hugh didn’t pick up.

“How’s she going to get home? It’s pouring!”

“I expect Hugh will drive her back. Or maybe she’ll stay the night with Joseph,” he added. “Can we eat now?”

They had their dinner in near silence. The only time Gabriel responded with any enthusiasm was when Iris spoke about Beth. But even her mind was only half on the conversation and after another couple of unanswered calls to both Laure and Esme, she couldn’t stand the uncertainty anymore.

“Gabriel, would you mind phoning Joseph?”

He scowled. “Yes, I would, very much.”