Page 49 of The Guest

“Please. I mean, we’re just presuming Laure is with him. What if she’s not?”

“Where else would she be?”

“I don’t know. It must be muddy out there; if she went over the fields she might have slipped and hurt herself.”

“All right. But if she is with him, it’s going to be embarrassing for everyone.”

“Put him on loudspeaker so I can hear what he says.”

To her surprise, Joseph answered immediately.

“Joseph, it’s Gabriel. I won’t keep you. We’ve been trying to get hold of Esme and Hugh. You’re not with them by any chance?”

“No, they’ve gone for dinner at The Watershed.”

“Do you know if Laure is with them? We’ve been trying to get hold of her but she’s not answering her phone.”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Did they mention that they’d seen her, that she had called around, or anything?”

“No, they didn’t. But I can ask them when they get back. I shouldn’t think they’ll be long.”

“That would be great, thanks.” He paused. “I don’t suppose you’ve seen her, by any chance?”

“Laure? No, I haven’t seen her since this afternoon at yours.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Gabriel hung up. “Well, that explains why Esme and Hugh didn’t answer their phones; they’re having dinner at The Watershed. Laure is probably with them.”

“I’m not so sure. I really don’t think she would have accepted to go for dinner with them and not let us know.” Iris paused. “I’m surprised Esme has gone out when her doctor said she had to stay home.”

“Stop worrying about everything. Joseph said he’ll call when they get back.”

“That could be ages. Maybe I should go down there, see for myself.”

“If it will put your mind at rest.”

But before Iris had made it out of the door, Joseph called back.

“I went to The Watershed to check.” His voice came down the line. “Laure isn’t with them.”

Iris reached for her phone. “Right, I’m calling the police.”

“Thanks for doing that,” Gabriel said to Joseph.

“Did I hear Iris say that she’s phoning the police?”



“Because we haven’t seen Laure since she went for a run this afternoon. We weren’t too worried at first because we thought she might be with Esme and Hugh, or with you.” He paused to let his words sink in. “But when she didn’t turn up for dinner,” he continued, “we began to get worried.”

“Are you saying that nobody has seen her since she went for her run—what, about six hours ago?”
