Morticia was gentle, sensual, and erotic. She kissed me, pressing me down onto the sheets so she could resume where she left off in the games, between my legs. She ate me out like I was her last meal. I can’t remember how long we spent like that,her kneeling at the end of the bed, me splayed out for her. The feeling of her mouth, of her tongue, between my legs was what I’ve craved every minute of the last two days. It’s impossible to leave her. Even now, I have a hesitancy not to.

It would be so easy to slip back under the sheet behind her. To reach around and run my hands over her breasts. The second day we spent together in bed, I played with her nipples with my tongue until she was wet enough for my fingers to pull away glistening.

There was an indiscriminate dynamic between us. She wasn’t as outwardly dominating as Heathe, and yet I surrendered to her in every moment. Even if I was the one who took her nipples in my mouth, it was because she wordlessly demanded it. Even if I was the one sliding my fingers in and out of her, caressing her insides until I was equally as wet from watching her face redden and relax with pleasure, it was her that was taking the lead.

It was a silent understanding that I loved.

And made it even more difficult to leave.

But Eve had taken a risk getting me that note through Aurelia, who brought us our breakfast this morning. She needed to meet in private, away from the mansion, and urgently. After hearing about her discoveries at the last gala, I couldn’tnotgo see if she needed help. Harboring the burden of this truth with her felt like an unquestionable responsibility to uphold. I would never look past someone in need.

Reluctantly leaving a fast asleep Morticia behind, I slipped from the bed and tiptoed across the marble floors toward the door. It was easier to sneak over the floor barefoot, so I held my shoes in my hand to don them once I reached the jungle.

Clicking the door shut softly behind me, I walk like a shadow down the hall to the main staircase. Just as expected, a guard watches the door, his back to me.

How did Eve sneak out of here?

I contemplated my other routes of escape. I was on the third floor, which was designed intentionally for the Players. There was no easy wandering or escaping. I leaned out of my hidden spot behind the wall just enough to gauge my chances of sneaking out a window. I quickly fell back, pressing against the wall. The drop was way too far.

Looking down at my shoes, I let out a sigh. I might continue barefoot after all. This is probably the riskiest chance I could take, because I wasn’t sure I could get back in. But I could always feign ignorance, or sleepwalking. No one would expect anything devious of me, and that’s the way I like to keep it.

Pulling back my arm, I aim across the stretch of stairs to the hall parallel to the one I stand in, throwing my shoe as far as I can. It makes it farther than I expected. I guess I have junior high softball to thank for that. It clatters over the floor, drawing the attention of the guard.

I am so toast. My heart pumps in my chest as he falls for the bait and walks up the other staircase. I draw further back into the shadows until his back is to me as he enters the hallway. I hear him talk into his earpiece, and then make a break for it.

I’m going to get caught.

My bare feet pad silently across the marble floor as I make it to the doors and quietly slip outside. It surprises me how efficiently I walked out. I suppose there isn’t much worry for the Players going anywhere since we’re stranded on an island with no contact with the outside. Maybe it’s the rule follower in me that worries. I’ve been perfect my whole life.

Eve probably walked out because she seduced the guard first and simply commanded the room. She does it so easily.

Waves crash onto the shore in the distance as I enter the woods, bathed in the silver glow of the moon. Pulling Eve’s note out of my shorts pocket, I study her instructions again.

Follow the trail through the woods back to our first shared cabin. Just before getting there, take a left. There’s a smaller private cabin. Be safe. -E

I step into the jungle and put my trust in my friend.

It’s difficult to see until my eyes adjust to make out more than just vague shapes. Every once in a while a large leaf would catch the glint of moonlight, illuminating my path.

It wasn’t a long walk to the first cabin we stayed in before The Bidding, but I followed the left path as instructed. This walk was longer, or maybe it felt longer because I was nervous, my heart still racing in my chest. The idea of getting in trouble never sat right with me.

It’s why I’m such a people-pleasing good girl,I think sardonically.

A building comes into view up ahead. I still hold my one shoe. Maybe it will come in handy to get back into the mansion. Hopefully I can acquire another pair with the help of Morticia.

As I near the cabin, there are no signs of life. It sits dark and covered in shadow. If Eve is in there, she’s sitting in the dark. How peculiar. Nearing the front door, I push it gently open. It creaks, but falls shut with only a dull thud. I stand in the doorway, not seeing anything. Or at least until my eyes adjust.

“Eve?” I whisper.

“I’m right here,” she says in a normal volume from my left, far closer than I expected. I jump, a hand flying to my chest, feeling like my heart’s going to jump out of my chest. “Damn, do you scare easy?”

“Yes!” I say, still in a hushed voice, though that’s mostly because of being rendered breathless from fear than maintaining a quiet volume. There’s clearly no one else out here.

“Sorry,” Eve says, sounding amused. “Thanks for coming.”

“Of course,” I say. “Is there any light in here?”

“No.” Eve shuffles in the dark, sounding like she rises to her feet. As the floorboards creak beneath her steps, the bare hint of moonlight coming in through the window catches one side of her face. “Hope you’re not afraid of the dark.”