“No, but I’m afraid of getting caught when I sneak back in. How did you get out?”

“The window,” she admits. “Laurence has a terrace that I can climb pretty easily.”

I want to make a comment on how climbing a wall isn’t necessarily considered easy, and that she’s lucky her Advocate was a Gamemaker. I bet his rooms are much nicer. There was no terrace in Heathe’s or in Morticia’s.

“I’ll take that into consideration,” I say.

I can see the bare hint of a smile on her face. “If you’re so worried about getting back in, just tell the guard you wanted to sneak out into the woods for some alone time to pleasure yourself. They think we’re all mindless, horny women. Just get him all hot and bothered and he’ll let you by without any questions.”

“Seems too easy.”

“That’s because men usually are,” she says. “Now, as for why I invited you here. Your advocate doesn’t know where you are?”

“No, she’s asleep,” I tell Eve.And hopefully she doesn’t wake up to find me gone.

“Laurence doesn’t know I’m here either, so we should make it quick.” Eve steps closer, the beam of moonlight lighting up her blue eyes. “I want to make sure you win, Lily.”

“You’re forfeiting?” My voice rises an octave as shock renders me unfiltered. “What do you mean?”

“Because if I win, they’re going to give me two options. To marry one of their own and sign an NDA, or be stuck here in the processing center forever. If you win, you’ll be granted the position of Advocate. You’ll still have to sign an NDA, but in thenext games, you’ll still have your freedom. If I fail to expose the Echelon Society and free the women stuck here, then there’s still a chance you can save them.”

I blink, staring at her in utter horror. “I… I can’t do that alone. What will happen toyou?”

“I’ll either end up in the processing center as another number, or Carrick will kill me and throw me in the ocean.” She says the latter far too nonchalantly for my comfort.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Eve turns and begins to pace the room. “It means I exposed myself for what I know. But they haven’t done anything yet. They’re plotting to ensure I’m ensnared in their trap forever, I’m sure, but I’m trying to have a backup. That’s where you come in.” She stops pacing and faces me. When I don’t answer, she continues, “I think this next gala is an important one. Maybe they’ve made it a game. But based off something Vaughn said, I think it’s important. We need to make sure you win whatever it is.”

“How will we do that if we don’t know what it is? And are you going to askmehow I feel about all this? About winning?”

She stops again, and I see confusion twist her face. “Whywouldn’tyou want to win? Why else would you be here?”

“I just…” It’s silly of me to contemplate what she’s insinuating, that in some way I don’t really want to win. But if it’s at Eve’s expense, it was difficult to fathom.

“Lily,you’regoing to win, and I’m not. There’s no other option. I’ve already exposed myself. They’re not going to grant me an Advocate position, they’re just going to throw me somewhere more under their control.”

I didn’t fully understand what she was saying. She knew far more than I did, and probably for the best. To be honest, I hadn’t completely imagined the idea of me winning as a definite thing, but that was also before I knew anyone who was disqualified wasstuck on this island. I thought of my younger siblings at home, under the care of our grandma, the only family we have left. She had limited capabilities to care for four kids.Ibarely had the capabilities. But I loved them with every piece of me. And if it meant getting back to them, I would do whatever it took.

“Okay… tell me how I’m going to win.”

Eve pulled something out of the waistband of her shorts. I realized it was a book. She offered it to me. “This is how you’re going to win.”

Taking it from her, I read the title:The Sun Also Rises. It was a book I was vaguely familiar with from high school, but I couldn’t recall the premise. But I trust Eve and open the pages.

“You’re going to read that, and you’re going to seduce them all like I did at The Bidding.”

Chapter Twenty-Two: Eve

The Beginning of the End

“I’ve requested Aurelia again to help you get ready for the gala tonight,” Laurence tells me where I sit on the couch, pondering the plan I made with Lily last night.

I look up from my distant thinking, having stared out the window long enough to look crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve absolutely lost it. “I don’t know if we should keep requesting her. With Carrick having been caught, you don’t think she’s at risk of him saying something and getting her in trouble?”Not to mention the fact that I used her to get a message to Lily. She’s getting more spirited in rebellion every time I see her, which makes me worry.

Laurence takes a seat beside me, grabbing my ankles to unfold my legs, placing them in his lap. “I don’t think so. Most Advocates pick the servants they like right away and often request them. Aurelia’s not the type to make any noise.”

“Still, they’re already watching us so closely.” I look at the window again, wondering how closely they’ll be watching tonight, how close Terrence will be watching me after my lie detector game. At first, I questioned his effectiveness, leaving me to continue the games after the stunt I pulled, but he’s smart for not acknowledging it and trying to make me sink back into a place of comfort in the games again. It’s the illusion of safety, and I don’t trust it.