Another of the guards holds up his hand. “Fine. You rich bastards don’t pay me enough to argue anyway.”

I don’t hesitate to hold out a hand to Blue. “Come with me, Ten.”

She looks between the guards, checking to make sure they’re not going to grab her again as she takes a step toward me. I anticipate feeling her touch for the first time as she gradually reaches out toward my hand, but then she fakes me out, pushing past me instead. “I can walk without holding your hand, thanks.”

Let the games begin,I think, smiling to myself over Blue’s challenging personality.

I lead her silently to the private cabin tucked away in the jungle. It’s the same size as the communal living quarters thePlayers stay in, but it’s designed for one person. “You’ll be staying here from now on.”

“Why?” Blue asks distantly as she takes in the cabin, stepping up to its front door.

“Because I want you away from the other girls.”And from Rossi and Carrick.

She whirls on me, a defensiveness in her approach. “Why?”

“You’re very inquisitive,” I tell her.

“I’m just trying to understand why things are changing. Whyyou’rehere.”

“You’ll find out tonight.”

“That’s all you’ll give me?”

Reaching out, I run a finger along her jaw, finding her skin incredibly soft, warm, andwelcoming. Even more so when she doesn’t flinch away from my touch, but meets my eyes in that challenging way that drew me into her in the first place.

“You’ll just have to trust that I’m going to give you all that you need. Anything more or anything less would be a dishonest display of my intentions.”

“What does that even mean?” she whispers.

“It means you’re mine now.”

Chapter Six: Lily

The Taking

Heathe’s hand rests on my thigh where we sit in one of the spacious lounge rooms with Vaughn Jamison. My Advocate traces lazy circles on my skin while they talk, the touch laced with the appreciation for my compliance in the game. I could tell that my vulnerability—the discomfort I felt in the face of my truths—made him feel a pleasurable sort of power that he was enjoying. It was something I allowed him to have as my Advocate. The sentiment Eve gave me before the Advent Gala rang in my head during the emotionally challenging game.

You won’t have to beg. You’ll have them begging you.

That sentiment stuck with me. Heathe and I feel like a stronger pair for it, which only further enforces my reason for being here. I know why I want this money, and I won’t let anything stop me from winning it.

It helps that there’s not too much I can complain about when it comes to Heathe Ames. He is older than me, and it shows in his gray hair and the seasoned lines that carve through his face, but he’s wonderfully handsome, and has been surprisingly kind. I’m aware of his vested interest in bidding for me pertaining to me being inexperienced, not having had sex at all, and my overall naivety when it comes to sex, but he hasn’t forced his hand, or demanded I move quickly. Instead, he’s been taking the time to get to know my body. My time with him so far has been incredibly positive.

I’ve been pretending to be distracted so it doesn’t seem like I’m taking too much from the conversation. I want to continue to be underestimated, but I can’t help but find a lot of the business they engage in fascinating, finding myself understanding mostof it. Despite my lack of college education, my desire for learning never ceased. In any moment of down time I could find at the restaurant I waitress at, I’d devour books on business, finances, and statistics, wanting to learn what I could about money in the hopes that someday I would have more than a meager waitress’ salary. My younger siblings deserved more than their current living circumstances.

Heathe’s thumb traces a line deeper against my inner thigh. Even though Vaughn looks down at the intimate touch, I don’t cower or squirm. I reinforce the thought that I am his and give myself to him. I’m too distracted internalizing the investment methods they were exchanging to care. But not too distracted to begin noticing Vaughn’s handsome features. It’s a shame he wasn’t an Advocate this year.

“I am curious to see this footage of Ten’s outburst,” Heathe says, the conversation shifting to a topic that piques my curiosity even more. I’m careful to be attentive while also appearing to enjoy the soothing sensation of Heathe’s touch. It’s not that hard to appear that way; I do find it very soothing.

“All Advocates will receive the game footage tonight, you know that Heathe. It’s under editing right now,” Vaughn says. “But that outburst was…” the Gamemaker sucks in a breath before continuing, “I’ve never seen anything like that happen at the games.” I find his tone strangely judgmental, with an undertone I can’t quite place, and I take careful note to pay attention to it as he talks about Eve. “Rossi’s still in the medical unit from the broken glass. She behaved like a feral animal.”

“Unbelievable.” Heathe shakes his head. I’m not a fan of the context of the conversation surrounding Eve. I would bet that she had a good reason for reacting the way she did. “Is he alright?” he asks, clutching my thigh tighter. I run a finger over his knuckles absentmindedly. He doesn’t look at me, but gives me a reassuring squeeze.

“Yeah, though he’s got some cuts. He’s being a drama queen about it, as you can suspect. He’s saying disqualification for Ten isn’t enough, he wants her imprisoned for assault. I tried to tell him that’s not how we do things around here, even for an outburst like that. But she has to go through the disqualification preparations, as they all do.”

Disqualification preparations?I keep my gaze down, but I’m paying more attention than ever.

“Are you sure it’s even a good idea to send her to the preparations? You don’t think more outbursts will happen? I suppose you could threaten her in addition to the blackmail.”