Out of my peripheral, I catch Vaughn’s wary gaze flick to me. Our eyes lock for a moment, and I fear that he sees through my façade. His deep blue eyes penetrating. I quickly look away.

“Can’t have that happen,” Vaughn says in a warning tone that holds a finality that they are done speaking about this due to my presence.

“There’s nothing to worry about with Lily, she’s loyal,” Heathe says, a hand sliding to the back of my neck, his fingers tracing the skin around the collar I wear for him. “Isn’t that right?”

I look to him with a sweet smile, and then turn to Vaughn innocently. “Of course.”

“See?” Heathe says, his hand staying on the back of my neck. “Now, what are you going to do about Ten?”

Vaughn crosses his arms. “Reid was telling me how he saw Vale meet with Terrence directly after I dragged Ten away. I’m not sure what it means, but he seems to think Vale has taken a liking to Ten, that he might be trying to work out a deal with Terrence to have her stay.”

“But he’s a Gamemaker, and a first year at that,” Heathe says.

“I know.”

“So where is Ten currently?”

“Apparently Vale took her to one of the outlying cabins away from everyone.” Vaughn rises from his seat, looking ready to leave.

“This is an interesting turn of events. I can’t imagine you’re pleased with Vale’s behavior,” Heathe says.

“It’s not up to me to abide by the rules,” Vaughn says. “It’s up to me to make them. And if Vale wants to play God, the only one that can stop him is Terrence.”

“Well, looking forward to the footage,” Heathe changes the subject, gripping the back of my neck hard. “And the finale of these games.”

“You and me both,” Vaughn says, taking his leave as he opens the door. “Keep a close eye on your Player, Heathe. This year’s games are something else.”

When the door shuts behind Vaughn, Heathe stares off in the distance as his fingers trail down my exposed spine. I’ve been naked since the start of the game, though I haven’t let it bother me. I’ve never been self-conscious of my body, and I have to admit I feel empowerment from being denied my clothing. Nothing but my collar. Nothing but the symbol to show that I belong to my master.

Heathe sighs a heavy breath, then turns to me slowly. “Well, kitten, are you interested in playing?”

Theres a throbbing between my legs at the look in his eyes, so hungry for my body, which he has made sure to savor. I’m still caught up in all the information I’ve learned about both the dubious nature of where we go when we’re disqualified and Eve’s ambiguous fate. Heathe standing and offering me his warm, firm hand to guide me to our room distracts me from it. For now.

We walk down the large, marble hall silently. On the way, I pass Sarah, being led to the spa room, one of the many facilities for the Advocates and Players to enjoy their time together.Heathe is not much for the communal aspect of it. He prefers we share the bath in our room, which is plenty large enough, the entirety of the space far bigger than even my small apartment where I house my four younger siblings.

But my mind is taken completely off the reality of my life and Eve’s fate, for the time being, as he opens the door and gestures for me to enter first. I take a few steps into the space before stopping out of respect for his guidance, allowing him to come up behind me, where he brushes my hair aside to kiss my neck slowly. I hum an appreciative moan.

“I don’t think I got the chance to properly tell you how well you did in the game today,” Heathe says in my ear. One of his hands slide around to my front, where he presses his palm flat against my navel, holding me to him. The other wraps around my throat, though he doesn’t use any pressure—yet. I know he likes showing his possessiveness over me. “I think that calls for a reward for my kitten. How does that sound?”

“I will always accept a reward from my master,” I say sweetly, accustomed to the role now even after one night. It was easy to read which tones and usage of words drew Heathe in the most, which actions satisfied him and which ones intrigued him. I’ve learned that intrigue drives him more than anything else. He wants the secrets my body holds.

“Good girl,” he says, pulling away from me, leaving me cold in his absence as he walks away. I know to stay in my position as he returns with a thin chain, which he latches to my collar to guide me to the bench in the corner. “Now, do you remember how many times you came last night?”


“I’m going to take eight orgasms from you today. No more, no less. Understood?”

“Yes, master.”

“If you think you can’t handle it…” he tugs on my leash, pulling me down onto the Sybian, where I straddle it as he finishes his thought, “you can. And I’m not releasing you even if you beg.” He straps my legs in, my body immobile as he turns on the bench, vibrating beneath me. I’m already so sensitive from last night that the sensation nearly sends me overboard within the first minute.

I relax and let my body take the lead, moans escaping my lips as he ties my hands in front of me, and I feel the edge loom closer as my first orgasm already tears through my center. I don’t bother to muffle my cry of pleasure.

“Remember your task.” Heathe pulls on my collar, forcing me to look up at him as the vibrations against my clit makes me squirm and struggle to escape the sensitivity.

“One,” I gasp, feeling the edge approach again.

“That’s a good pet,” he breathes, his breath smelling like spearmint. It makes my head spin. He heads to the closet as my second orgasm approaches.