Page 4 of Shadow Killer

From the corner of his eye, he saw the door plate, but his attention was solely on the woman behind her desk. Her blonde friend from the bar was by her shoulder as they looked at the laptop screen in front of them.

It would have been tempting to observe them, her, but it wouldn’t have won him any points, so he knocked. “I’m sorry to interrupt. May I have a word, Miss Breaux?”

Lightness vanished. Roseline stiffened, pushing her shoulders back before whispering something to her friend and leaving, not without giving him a glacial stare.

Noelle Breaux stood behind her desk. She had a lab coat on over a navy blue dress that made him wonder if she could be even more gorgeous. Her dark hair was wrapped in a haphazard knot on top of her head, held by a pencil, and several stray tendrils had escaped, framing her face. She wore glasses this time, and behind them, dark irises looked at him like he was the devil incarnate.

“Lieutenant Turner.”

“Hi! I needed to talk to you about the report you sent me. The Noble case.”

If possible, her distance and disdain intensified. “I can guarantee you that the results are exact if you’re contesting them...”

Brandon lifted a hand, which reminded him of what he was holding. “I’m not. Everything is fine, but I need to deepen my analysis.” He waited for a beat and put the cup of mocha on her desk. “I don’t know what I’ve done to anger you, but I come with a peace offering. I said I need your eyes on something, and I mean it.”

Her dark eyes went to the cup, and her eyebrow arched in recognition before returning into a frown. “What is this?”

“Delice de feu. I’m probably saying it wrong, but I was told you liked it. And I brought this too.” He put a small plastic box containing two eclairs on the desk.

Brandon offered her his best smile, but it wasn’t returned. Instead, Noelle crossed her arms, and he felt like he should duck and cover.

“You think that because I’m fat, you can soften me with food? That whatever you say next, I’ll say yes to because you stuffed me with chocolate? Not a new approach, although, I have to admit that I can give you an A for discovering my favorite place and bringing what I usually order.”

Brandon didn’t know what went wrong, but it seemed his excellent intentions had just backfired. Also, the way she had called herself fat while she was a true goddess in his eyes, and even worse, that someone had used it to trick her, abuse her trust, made him furious. It was clear as day that someone had done that before, and maybe more than once.

“Wait a minute! I don’t know what you’re insinuating, but I didn’t bring this to bribe you. I know you’re doing your job, and you’re a professional. I came here because I want your opinionon something. I bought this because I seemed to have angered you somehow. You know, at the bar. I don’t have a clue what I did wrong, but I want to apologize.”

When he saw her relax a little, he scrambled to take advantage of it. “And you’re not fat. I hate that word. You’re beautiful. It’s the reason I couldn’t look away back then, and I see now how it could’ve come across as inappropriate.”

For the longest time, those onyx eyes stared at him as if trying to pierce his soul. Never before had Brandon felt both so helpless and frustrated, tinged with the desperation that longed for her to believe him. Trust him.

Then, her arms relaxed, and she reached for the cup. “Care to tell me who your source is that divulged my little secret?”

Was there a little bit of teasing filtering through those defenses? “I wouldn’t dare say it, but know he only had good intentions, just like me.”

She brought the cup to her nose and sighed at the scent. When she let down her guard, her face opened and relaxed, it was like an angel had descended on earth. “What’s in it? It smells like sort of hot chocolate?”

The ghost of a smile tugged at her lips, and Brandon couldn’t look away.

“In part, butDelice de feuis the true definition of New Orleans in my opinion.”

“Too bad I didn’t get one for myself. I’m all for discovering this place, tastes and all.”

Now her smile blossomed with a twinkle in her eye. All sugar now, she offered him the cup. “Please, try it. I’m sure it will have a great impression on you.”

Feeling like a victor for finally having made headway with this fascinating woman, Brandon took a sip of chocolate. It tasted decadent on his tongue and smooth down his throat. It lasteduntil he felt as if his entire mouth had been filled with lava. Even breathing was like kissing a dragon.

Coughing, it took a moment for his other senses to take over. Laughter was the first to come through. Wiping the tears blurring his vision, it was the sight of Noelle laughing that welcomed him. It wasn’t out of mockery, just pure amusement, and for that, he couldn’t be mad at her.

“What is that thing?”

It was her turn to wipe the tears from her eyes. If possible, she even appeared more stunning, with her rosy cheeks and that sparkle in her eyes making her glow.

Still gasping, Brandon saw her pick up her cup and take a sip. No fiery breath, no choking, no wheezing.

“Delice de feumeans Fire Delight in French. It’s chocolate, coffee, and a special mix of hot peppers. Not for the faint of heart, I’m afraid.”

With a few more swallows, he was able to recover. “And you drink it like it’s water!”