Page 3 of Shadow Killer

When the commander had recruited him, it was stated that he’d be accepting a position within a problematic group, one that was being cleaned up and needed restructuring. It was quite a challenge, especially since nobody apart from the commander, Callan, and himself knew about their intentions.

Apart from keeping an eye open for anything irregular, Brandon had to do his job while gaining this team’s trust and integrating into the flow and uniqueness of a brand-new city.

Brandon knew it wouldn’t be easy and braced himself for that, but what he didn’t expect was a chance encounter at the meet-up the week before.

His body tightened at the memory of the dark-haired beauty that haunted him. Noelle. He uttered both syllables of that name under his breath, loving the way it rolled on his tongue, but it was her face and body that he couldn’t get out of his mind.

Maybe it was his long dry spell or the charm of a new place that enhanced the encounter, but Brandon didn’t believe his lies. Noelle Breaux was gorgeous, and if his brain was in denial, his body was singing a different tune.

The moment he’d seen her look at him, he’d been turbocharged. Brandon barely remembered what he’d said to the other people; all he could think of was to get closer, see if his first impression from the other side of the room would change when he stood by her side. The pale oval of her face, the freckles dotting the satin skin under her eyes, the shiny hair cascading down her shoulders gripped his gut, but it was the wealth of curves that made his fingers burn and his cock throb. He’d always liked a woman with hips that could fill his hands and a body in which he could pound all night to his heart’s content.

However, that incredible surge between them fizzled at some point, and Brandon didn’t know why. Half-way across the room, she’d stopped looking at him, even made a show of turning her gaze away when she shook his hand.

It wasn’t only her, but the entire table had turned from warm to freezer cold.

One thing Commander Beckner had made sure Brandon understood; the internal problem wasn’t with the CSI. Becknerhadn’t said much apart from that this team had taken the brunt of the storm and held it together.

Brandon had still to find out what was going on, and if it meant tearing through that high wall she’d erected between them, he was up for the task.

When he entered the bullpen, everything buzzing around him, Brandon attempted to focus on the task at hand, even if it wasn’t a fun one. The very first case he’d been entrusted with had been a grisly murder. A woman had assassinated her husband but had claimed her innocence even though all the evidence was pointing at her.

Brandon had spent most of the previous day and evening interrogating her, and it had been tearing at him. The facts were undeniable, and it should’ve been an open and shut case. However, he’d been a cop long enough to trust his gut, and it was shouting at him that something was wrong.

Callan slapped his shoulder as he went to his desk, dropping a few files. “Hey, Brandon. You’re deep in thought still. Is it a good or bad omen?”

“Good that my brain is still functioning, bad that I can’t find what’s bugging me.”

“The Lottie Noble case? The one you told me about? That’s a twisted one.”

That comment alone made Brandon perk up. “What do you mean?”

Callan leaned back on his chair, stretching. “Didn’t mean to pry, but I checked the feed from your interrogation. Impeccable job on your part, but in the end, it only confirmed what I thought. The woman didn’t do it.”

Brandon wanted to give him a fist bump. “My thought exactly, but I don’t have anything backing it up. Her fingerprints are all over the place and on the murder weapon. That’s undeniable. Worse, she argues that she doesn’t remember a single thing fromthe time of the murder—it’s a total blackout. There’s nothing she could tell me. I can’t help her.”

Callan seemed to agree. “The only way I know to get out of this rut is to start from the beginning. Retrace my steps.”

It made a lot of sense and Brandon had to agree. “You’re right. I need to re-examine the crime scene.”

“And don’t forget the lab results.” This time, Callan wiggled his eyebrow. “That means going back to see that beautiful scientist that’s been stonewalling you all week.”

Brandon exhaled, showing frustration. “Noelle Breaux is a puzzle, and I love puzzles. I just haven’t found a way to crack her open yet.”

Leaning forward, Callan lowered his voice a little. “Feel free to ask if you need help. I’m juggling a case, but I’ll make time for you. You just have to ask.”

Brandon appreciated it. “Thanks. Let me see how it goes.”

“Well, as you nonetheless need all the help you can get, I have a bit of advice for you. A little bird told me that Miss Breaux is fond of a small coffee shop and bakery a few streets away, where she gets a certain mocha calledDelice de feuwith a chocolate éclair I’ve been told can make a woman orgasm. I guess if you’re going to ask for a complete set of tests to be redone, you should come equipped with undeniable arguments, Lieutenant Turner.”

Brandon got to his feet. “I owe you one, Hemlock. Tell me your price, and it’s yours.”

Callan winked. “If your plan succeeds and you soften the dragon lady, I wouldn’t mind an in on her friend. Roseline Fontenot is acting the same as the others. It’s as if I put my foot in my mouth before I even spoke a word.”

Brandon knew the sentiment, and hoped he could find the answers to his case while getting a couple of his own with the delicious Miss Breaux.

The CSI section was one level down from the bullpen, but it was like stepping into a different, calmer, more serene world, but from what Brandon knew, just as hard-working. He could hear people working on keyboards, machines humming, and the shuffling feet of busy people in different offices. When he’d sent the first analysis request to the CSI, it had been through the computer, using a general email. And as expected, Noelle had sent the final report back.

Brandon had a general idea of where her office was, but it was feminine laughter that ultimately guided his way. Two voices, melodious and amused, had him increasing his speed.