“Don’t mind me. It’s just that the last year has been tough, and apart from you three, there hasn’t been much keeping me around. Those stupid cops are keeping us away from meaningful investigations. Helping people was the reason I joined the police department. I’m not as strong as you three. I’m nearing the end of my rope, and I’m asking myself what’s keeping me here.”
The circle tightened around her, each of them trying to offer support and comfort. She’d always be grateful for these women!
After a moment, the noise increased and broke their peaceful oasis.
Severine was the first one to look up and whistled softly. “Well, girlfriend, one reason for you to stay just walked into the bar.”
Severine had an ongoing appreciation of men, all men, so it was difficult to know if the newcomer who had just arrived was worth turning around, but it didn’t matter. Her friend always found a way to make her crack a smile.
However, as even Marina seemed lost for words, Noelle’s curiosity was piqued, and she had to turn.
Commander Beckner’s bald skull was gleaming like ebony in the middle of the room where he was holding court as soon as he stepped inside. Even if she’d only known him for a short period of time, the commander had always been the tallest man in the room, his natural charisma emanating every time he was present. There were a few unfamiliar faces around him, one of whom, for the first time in a long time, made her heart skip.
The man laughed at what one of the traffic cops said and looked up. Blue would fail to describe the color that hit her. Intense and vibrant and warm. How could a shade associated with everything cold bring a sudden heatwave?
It would be corny to say that time stopped, but it did. Once she focused her vision again, it was the blond beard that she noticed, and the dark blond hair tied into a man bun. The square jaw and broad shoulders led to a muscled body that her fingers itched to check out, to see if that male specimen was real under the dark blue Henley.
Words started making their way to her ears again.
“I can’t believe a Viking made his way down to Louisiana.” It was refreshing to hear the awe in Severine’s voice instead of her usual flirty tone.
Roseline almost bounced on her stool. “His name must be Sven! Or Thor!”
Unlike herself, Marina chipped in. “I didn’t think they made that model outside of romance novels.”
Noelle had to agree. Was he one of the new guys the commander had been talking about? The fresh blood the department dearly needed.
She grabbed her friend’s hands like a lifeline when the stranger and the commander made their way to their table, only to be cut off by the Reek. The slimeball stepped in front of them, schmoozing and breaking the gaze between them.
Impatiently waiting for the strange man to look up again, Noelle froze when Detective Reeker turned to the blond man and gave him a big bear hug. It was apparent the two men knew each other. No strangers would ever be that friendly on a first meeting.
The thought smashed her elation and despite all her hopes, the dream man was turning out to be the start of a fresh nightmare.
Noelle turned her back to the sight. A glance around their table confirmed that everyone had seen the same thing.
“Shit! How come the eye candy is friends with the Reek. Did the commander know about that when he hired that guy?”
Marina frowned. “If he didn’t, he knows now.”
“Shut up. They’re coming over,” Severine hissed, turning her frown into a smile that looked more fake than plastic. “Commander, good evening!”
With great reluctance and shattered dreams, Noelle straightened her spine, making sure she schooled her features into amicable neutrality before getting to her feet.
Commander Beckner’s smile was not only bright but warm when he came closer. “Ladies, I’m so glad you could make it. You all look lovely tonight. I want you to meet two new additions to our team. They aren’t from around here, so I hope you welcome them with your warm NOLA spirit. This is Lieutenant Brandon Turner and Detective Callan Hemlock. Both are fresh off the plane. Gentlemen, this is the finest CSI team I’ve ever worked with in my career.”
As he introduced each of them, Noelle glanced at Detective Hemlock. Tall, dark, and handsome, he had a boy-next-door charm that was almost disarming. He had blue eyes too, but they didn’t pierce her the way the other man, Brandon’s, were able to. However, every possible attraction for the man had died, nipped in the bud.
“And this is Noelle Breaux, our Forensic Scientist.”
At her name, she had no other choice but to do the polite thing and offer her hand but cast her eyes down. No way she would risk being caught up in the sudden attraction again. No amount of lust could make her fall for one of the Reek’s posse. Ever.
One big hand took hers, or more accurately, engulfed hers. There was no way could she be called delicate at 5’8 and with her generous curves, which made her look up. The Viking, as Severine had dubbed him, was looking down at her with such interest, his big frame blocking most of the view, that it made it very difficult for Noelle to remember who he was: which was one of the bad guys.
How could a city make you fall in love with it and annoy you all in such a short period of time? Brandon’s hands had been full from the moment his plane from LA touched the ground. Commander Beckner was the type of man to jump into action right away, and as soon as Brandon had dropped his luggage into his apartment, he’d been pulled straight into a case while trying to get his bearings.
He’d just left a quick lunch with Callan. As two new guys coming into a well-established squad, it was natural to reach out and support each other. He was a team player, but he may have to curb his trust with his new department.