Lark was tapping away nonstop at the computer keys, and Jennings hadn’t looked up from his phone once since Quaide led Julius to the room where Sentry was gathered. Quaide then disappeared to make some calls, leaving Julius at a loss for ways to contribute to finding the bastard terrorizing his fiancée.

Bracing a hand on the desk next to Lark, he leaned in to see the screen. “What are you digging for?”

She didn’t glance up as she entered another jumble of numbers and letters. “I’m trying to hack into a system.”

“Whose system?”

“There’s a rumor going around that one of Avalynn’s ex-boyfriends is the responsible party.”

His arm tensed from wrist to shoulder. He felt his back muscles lock. “Which ex?”


“Leon? That dude from the surfer movies?”


He ran through the guy’s movies. The body in the video wasn’t even close to the one he saw onscreen.

“Unless that guy has a body double for every minute the camera is rolling, he’s lying.”

“It could be a publicity stunt,” Lark agreed. “He did get turned down for every role he tried for in the past two years.”

“That’s because he’s a drunk. The son of a bitch probably thinks fucking Avalynn Ray will give him back his popularity.”

Jennings stirred in his spot in an armchair. “He’s also high on coke all the time. He isn’t thinking straight about what it would do to his career.”

Lark stopped typing and looked up at Jennings. “I don’t for a minute believe that a guy with a sex tape wouldn’t be congratulated on every street corner and be given a bunch of contracts. The woman is the one who always suffers in these stories.”

“She’s right,” Julius concurred. “So, Lark, you’re hacking the actor’s personal computer?”

“Uh-huh.” She hit another button. “I’m in.”

“Just like that?”

She sliced a look his way. “Not just like that, no. Getting through those encryptions and firewalls took a lot of work, Julius.”

“Of course. I know how it works.”

Jennings didn’t hide his chuckle. “Technology isn’t your first language like it is our brother Jaren’s.”

“No, but I can hold my own.” He examined the screen closer. “Have you found anything yet?”

“I’m just searching his files for the video. Emails too.”

“Good, since we know that whoever had the video in their possession sent it to the media.”

“Right.” She whipped through folder after folder.


He jerked around at the sound of his voice and spotted Quaide in the doorway.

“Clay took Avalynn back to her tour bus. You can resume your duty with her until the concert. Then Clay and I will be with her.”

Resume my duty…

By cupping her beautiful face and drawing those sweet, luscious lips to his. Kneading her breasts and toying with her nipples until she shook for more. Then plunging inside her tight, gripping heat.