He drowned in his imagination for too many seconds. Quaide noticed that he’d checked out.

Straightening, he tapped the desk beside Lark’s computer. “Let me know if you find anything on the douchebag’s system.”

“Will do,” she said in a distracted manner and then stopped.

He zeroed in on the screen. “Did you find something already?”

“No. It just hit me that we’re all birds.”

He, Quaide and Jennings all gave her a sharp look.

“Birds?” he repeated.

She nodded. “Lark and Dove.” Her gaze shot to Quaide. “Avalynn’s not a bird, but… Let me check something.” She quickly opened another screen and typed in a search.

“A-ha! Just as I thought. Avalynn means ‘beautiful bird.’”

He let the meaning sink in. “Well, sheisbeautiful.”

When he realized everyone was staring at him, Lark wore a wide grin and his brother was shaking his head.

“I have to get to the tour bus and make sure Avalynn has everything she needs before the show.”

Quaide issued a dry cough that was obviously faked. “You mean her special comfort items? Drinks? Maybe her fuzzy slippers to soothe her tootsies?”

Julius’s brother cracked up laughing. He swung toward Jennings with a glare that would send any other person to the emergency room, but not his hard-ass brother. Oh, no. He just sat there laughing at Julius.

“She needs that tea for her vocal cords.”

“No doubt having it hand-delivered by her favorite bodyguard helps too. Oh wait!” Jennings clapped his palm to his cheek in faux realization. “You’re her fiancé now.”

“Jerks.” Without sticking around any longer, he rushed out of the room they’d commandeered for their use while in Vegas.

When he reached the bus parked near the building, he spotted Clay with his back to the door.

“I’ll take it from here.”

“I’ll be back to escort our ward to the concert.”

He didn’t like the sound of that—our ward. Avalynn washisward. His—

He broke off that thought and typed in a passcode to trigger the door lock and enter. As soon as he stepped into the bus, Avalynn unfolded herself from where she was curled up on the center of the big bed in the rear.

His gut clenched with desire. His balls were suddenly bursting to have her.

“Hi.” She threw him a small wave.

“Hi, honey. I’ll just fix your tea.”

She bobbed her head in agreement and returned to jotting down notes in the notebook she cradled on her crossed legs.

As he moved to the small kitchen area, he listened to her hum a few bars. Then she sang softly under her breath.

She was writing. At a time like this, when she was under more stress than she’deverexperienced in her entire life, that was a huge deal.

Did she sound a little hoarse too? Instead of selecting the usual box of tea, he reached for a canister. After heating water on a hot plate, he poured it over the tea strainer, then added honey for her throat.

As he carried the mug to her, each step closer sent desire washing over him. And his chest had that heavy, tight pressure again, like his body was gearing up for something big to happen.