“Fine,” he bit off.

“You don’t sound fine.”

He twisted his head away from the open door so Avalynn wouldn’t hear. “I feel something coming,” he said quietly.

They exchanged a glance. Since the time they were kids, he and Jennings had been close. That meant reading each other’s moods—and picking up on undercurrents too. Julius felt a shit storm looming on the horizon, but neither of them had caught proof of it yet.

He slid into the back beside Avalynn. She threw him another look but didn’t ask questions.

After a few minutes on the road, she curled up against him and yawned.

He touched the point of her chin. “Still tired, honey?”

A glance at the rearview mirror showed him Jennings was looking back.

“I can’t seem to catch up on sleep today.”

He knew why. Their honeymoon had been anything but restful. Staring at her lips reminded him of the stolen moments between them. He’d had her in so many places around that mansion that Kingsley would probably send him a cleaning bill.

He couldn’t bring himself to regret that—or the fact he’d fallen even deeper in love with her.

His phone buzzed, interrupting the flow of thought. When he saw it was Clay, he considered putting the call on speakerphone but then thought better of it. The last thing he wanted was Clay to deliver some information that would upset Avalynn.

Shooting Jennings another look in the rearview, he took the call. “Abel.”

“You’re on the ground?”

“Yes. Jennings is driving.”

“Good. Look, you asked what was happening, and we’ve made some progress since we last spoke.”

He tried not to show any reaction. Avalynn was just as attuned to his mood shifts as he was hers. But he managed to keep his muscles relaxed as he listened to his boss.

“There’s lots of chatter in an online chatroom.”

“Expand on that.”

“A few hints of potential threats at the music festival.”

The news was exactly what he’d expected to happen at some point during the course of her tour, but it still punched him in the gut.

“Tell me more.” He kept his voice totally neutral. “What are we doing about security at the venue?”

Clay let out a noisy sigh. “The venue isn’t cooperating with the FBI. Our hands are tied on this.”

“That’s unacceptable.”

His tone gave away his agitation, and Avalynn’s eyes widened.

“We think she should cancel the show,” Clay said.

He looked from her beautiful eyes to the road ahead of them.

She wouldn’t like it.

She would fight him.

But her safety came first. If the venue wouldn’t help them provide the highest level of security for his wife, she wasn’t going to be at that festival.