He needed to let her go. But he couldn’t.

When she broke the surface again, he slipped his phone into his pocket and pushed himself off the deck chair. Streaming water, she climbed out of the pool, and he met her with a towel.

Wrapping the thick cloth around her body sent another pulse of love through him. He liked taking care of her in all ways. Hell, he could see himself doing it forever.

Her gaze fixed on his face. He stared down at her, heart racing. On their second night here, they’d taken a midnight walk on the beach and discussed their future.

She was full of plans and ideas for how they’d make their relationship work like a real marriage.

At the time, he allowed himself to get caught up in the fantasy of it all, but then reality set in. He needed to stick to the original plan.Protect her. Get her safe. Keep her alive. Cast off the rumors and restore her reputation. Never was loving Avalynn part of the plan.

He lifted a hand to her cheek. Her skin was cool from the water.

She covered his hand with her own and leaned into his touch. Small freckles had appeared on the bridge of her nose after a few days spent in the sun.

“Do we really have to leave?” she asked.

He nodded. “Our plane will be ready for us in an hour. Then it’s on to the music festival.”

She brightened. “I’ve been looking forward to the festival. But I can see the idea stresses you. You’re afraid it isn’t safe to continue on my tour.”

They had to keep going with the idea of drawing out her stalker. Eventually he would slip and they’d catch him. If Julius got to him first, the man would be buried the next day.

“We’re going to keep you safe, honey. Trust me.”

She meshed her fingers with his. “Don’t you know that I already do?”

An hour later, they were on the small plane back to the international airport, then transferred to a larger jet that took them back to the States. The first-class seating gave them some of the privacy they’d both grown accustomed to during their honeymoon, which was perfect because keeping his hands off her, even for a minute, was impossible.

That scared him more than all the crazies he’d encountered during the course of his career.

Avalynn curled up with her head on his shoulder and fell asleep. Tenderness washed through him.

God, could the woman be any more perfect? The whole world thought so, but he knew firsthand. And who would think that watching his wife sleep would make him feel so alive in ways he never dreamed possible?

As soon as they were on the ground, he was on high alert again, one hand on her and one inches from his weapon as he maneuvered her through the terminal to meet Jennings.

The minute he spotted his brother, the blade of irritation he’d been holding off for days slammed into him.

“What’s going on with the case?” he demanded, hoping he knew something new that Clay hadn’t relayed.

Avalynn looked up at him, her eyes wide.

He pulled her into his side.

Jennings glanced around. “Not here, brother.”

“Fine,” he ground out.

Avalynn gave him another confused look.

“This way.” Jennings set off in a brisk stride.

Since she was Avalynn Ray, she received special treatment, and that included a private shuttle straight to the place where Jennings parked the SUV. They bypassed any crowds and baggage claim too. Their luggage would follow them to wherever the tour ended up, not that either of them needed the clothes they’d worn on the island. If they’d worn any at all.

By the time he assisted her into the back seat, he was grinding his molars with tension.

Before he climbed in too, Jennings caught his gaze. “You good?”