Page 2 of Romeo

“He’s my problem. I’m going to take care of him,” I heard Dante say. I tried to analyze his tone and words, but he gave nothing away.

“Stay in the hotel and rent a car and drive back to New Jersey and tell Nico that I’ve taken care of Romeo myself.”

“Are you sure? You know you haven’t done this kind of thing in a long time. Last man you offed was three years ago. I can do it, Boss, if you want me to. I have no misgivings about getting rid of that little smart-mouthed bitch.” Now I was convinced that he would do it. Lying in the trunk all taped up didn’t convince me, but hearing that he had killed someone did. Once you’d killed once, it was easy to do it again I’d heard. Well, I’d heard that in the movies.

“Shut up.” And I heard a loud slap. “He’s not a bitch. He’s as much man as you.” That was what I was waiting to hear. Now I had a reason to believe that things would turn in my favor with Dante.

“I was just saying, Boss—”

“And don’t call me that. I’m no one’s boss. Leave that title for Nico. It’s time for me to leave, because I have a long drive. After I get rid of the body, I’m going to Las Vegas and I’m going to have an orgy for three days. Don’t contact me, and for fuck’s sake don’t call Nico. I’ll call him and tell him.”

The car’s motor started, and I heard the radio playing and it was the Eagles again. What was up with that song? “Take it Easy.” That was what I did. I lay there until I realized there was a section in the back seat that would push down because people had gotten trapped in the trunk of cars and died, but the new cars made a way for someone if they were small enough to crawl through.

When I pushed it down, the music was playing loud and I tried to climb through, but the only thing that would fit was my head, and I couldn’t call out to yell stop, because I couldn’t get the tape off my mouth with my hands secured behind my back.

There was no way I could stay in this position any longer, and there was no way Dante was stopping anytime soon. Perhaps he was going to do as he had planned, and what he’d told his crew and Nico that he’d take care of me.

I knew all along even as I hoped there would be another way for this to end. But it appeared that there was no bottom when it came to the Bonettis. Convinced I had to take this into my hands so to speak and fight for my life and do whatever I could to stay alive. After an hour of rubbing my face against the covering in the trunk, I finally pushed the tape from my mouth and yelled.

“Dante, I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe” He turned to see my eyes looking at him though the small compartment. Then with a wild jerk, he pulled into someplace and then the car came to an abrupt stop which threw me into the wall of the car. “I’m hurt. You are a cruel fucker do you know that?” I bellowed as loud as I could. I couldn’t see his face.

I heard him say, “So I’ve been told. Now what do you want from me? Haven’t you cost me enough?”

“Cost you? You’re not the one in the trunk of his lover’s car ready to become worm food. I want you to let me go, and you’ll never have to see me again. Let me off at the next town and I’ll find my way home.”

“It’s not that easy, boy. And since when am I your lover? You’re the one who took off before I could sort this out with you. You messed with my head, boy—”

“Don’t call me a boy, and your head was already fucked up, and don’t blame me for your upbringing, and that psycho brother of yours.”

“What do you want me to call you, Romeo. If that’s your name. You haven’t been truthful with me since we met.”

“My name is Romeo that’s all, and that’s all you need to know. What do you want to know my name for, to kill my family? And what about you? You gave me the impression that you were a straight dude, and if you’re straight then I am too and we all know that’s not the truth.” There was a long silence. “It’s getting hot and uncomfortable in this trunk. I can’t climb through that partition—”

“And I can’t take you out now because I’m at a roadside park and there are too many cars parked here. You will have to stay where you are.”

“How long? I need to use the restroom.”

“You’ll have to hold it until I find a place that’s empty.”

“I don’t have large kidneys—”

“Well, now I’m learning more about you,” Dante said with a snicker.

“Not half as much as I’ve learned about you. You are a sadist, a killer, and you’re gay.”

“If you call me gay one more time, I’ll show you the killer in me.” I didn’t know if he was serious, but I didn’t want to take any chances. “The Highway Patrol has stopped near the car and stepped out. Keep your mouth shut back there, or you will not live to regret opening your mouth.”

Chapter 2


I had to decide at that moment if I should yell for help. I had seen too many movies where anyone who snitched on the mafia never lived to go to court, therefore, I decided I wouldn’t take a chance.

Listening to the conversation, I heard, “Is this your vehicle?”

“It belongs to my brother, officer.”

“Can I see your driver’s license, registration, and insurance.” I heard Dante fumbling around for something and heard him hand over a piece of paper.