Page 3 of Romeo

“Everything looks good.”

“Why did you stop me, officer?”

“Oh, I thought I told you.”

“No. You didn’t.”

“You only have one license plate on your car. Texas requires you to have the front and the back. You have only the back. I’m just going to give you a warning,” he said as he wrote something. That’s a good-looking Caddie you have there. I’m thinking about getting a used one. I can’t afford a new one like this. It looks loaded and expensive. You know they lose their value fast.”

I didn’t think Nico cared about losing the value of the car because from what I found out they had dealerships and that wasn’t a problem. The problem was Dante didn’t know if I was going to rat him out the longer that patrolman stood there.

“It is, officer. My brother has good taste and so do you.”

I heard the officer hand Dante a piece of paper. “You make sure you get that license on there, especially if you’re traveling through Texas again.”

“I’ll be sure to do that, but I don’t think I’ll be back, it’s too hot here for me.” I was sure Dante meant something else altogether which escaped the officer entirely.

“Yes, I know. It’s been that way all year. Our national bird is the mosquito,” I heard him chuckle.

I heard Dante snicker in response to his joke, and I heard Dante exhale and fall against the seat.

“Is he gone?”

“He’s gone.”

“Now can you drive somewhere I can get out and get to the can. I kept my mouth closed and I deserve something for that.”

Dante started the car.

“The only thing you deserve is that I don’t dump your little ass now.” Then the car came to another sudden stop, and I heard footsteps. “Get out.”

I couldn’t see after the light hit my eyes and I blinked and rubbed them. “Where are we? Are you going to—” My voice was unsteady and shakier than I intended. That meant I’d telegraphed to Dante that I was afraid. Yes, afraid of him, and I was at this point. Scared shitless.

“If you aren’t out there in the next second, boy, I’m closing this and you’re not getting it opened until we get where we’re going.” There was that word again. Boy. It wasn’t that I disliked it, but coming from his mouth, it sounded like I was a swish. My father used to throw that word at me as if it was a bomb and I’d blow up at the sound of it. I got used to it from him because I knew it had more to do with his generation and it didn’t affect me much.

However, hearing it from a man I’d just been rode hard and put up wet, left a lot to be desired.

I hopped out and tried to stretch. “Let’s go to the restroom. I’m not letting you out of my sight,” Dante said with his notorious scowl.

I waited for him to catch up and then I turned and met his grimace. “You know I could give you a blowjob in the restroom. They say that’s sexy.” I was really pushing it, but that was what I would do when I thought the next moment could be my last. “You can pretend you’re still straight if that gets you off, and I’m a dude that’s coming on to you. We can do a little role playing to lighten the mood. We need something to lighten up this day, don’t you think... Dante?”

He turned me around so he didn’t have to see me once more and pushed me along the sidewalk to the restrooms.

This was a new place and there wasn’t anyone there but maybe a janitor hiding.

As we strode into the building, Dante said, “You’re coming on to me and I find that disgusting, and there’s nothing sexy about having sex in a roadside restroom.”

I turned. “So you’ve considered it?” He scowled once more. “I mean with me?”

“Not with you or any man.”

“Try it you might like it, and as far as you being gay if you’re still trying to protect your straight status, that ship has sailed and is in open waters without a motor, so let’s not pretend that you’re straight. We could play a role and this time you be gay and I’m the straight dude. ”

“Did anyone tell you, you talk too fucking much? Now get the fuck on Romeo before I change my mind and leave you in that restroom for someone to find your ass.”

Dante opened the door, and we were met by cold air and a clean modern rest stop. He held the door and I entered.

“Thank you. You’re a gentleman after all.”