“Well, we’re here. We may as well talk.”
“I don’t want to talk,” Valerie said shortly. If she got into another screaming match with Ella, one where she couldn’t remove herself from the situation, she knew that fucking Ella into submission would be an all-too-real possibility.
“Valerie… we both know that we’re on the same side here. If we could just get over the logistical issues driving us apart—”
“But we can’t, Ella. You’ve made it clear that you have no respect for the rules, and that’s not a stance I can respect.”
Ella opened her mouth, took a deep breath, and closed it again. “I don’t want to argue with you, Valerie.” She was certainly showing more self-control than Valerie had at the moment, but she probably wasn’t so horny that she could barely control herself.
Valerie gritted her teeth and clenched her jaw. If Ella could have the self-restraint not to get into yet another argument, then Valerie could too. No way was she going to be outdone by a rule-breaker like Ella.
They sat in silence for a little while longer, the tension between them growing. Ella kept glancing at Valerie’s lips, and it was doing nothing to help Valerie’s libido go down.
The cabin groaned around them as the rescue team tried to get to them, but no further chinks of light appeared. Valerie sighed and brought her knees up to her chin. The movement put pressure on her clit and she had to stop herself from groaning aloud. She glanced at Ella, noting the curve of her chest, even under the scrubs.
She was getting wet. This wassonot the time, but her body wasn’t responding to her urgent commands. Valerie’s clit started throbbing as she sneaked another glance at Ella, who seemed to be breathing harder than before. Valerie had to resist the urge to press her legs together tighter. That led down a road she simply could not find herself on.
The cabin around them suddenly shifted violently, sending Ella flying into Valerie’s lap, right between her legs. Valerie couldn’t help it. Ella’s knee was pressed right up against her aching clit and she moaned loudly, her eyes slipping shut.
“Valerie? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
Valerie shook her head, breathing hard. Ella was shifting around, trying to get her balance on the new angle, and if she didn’t remove her kneeright nowValerie was going to come.
Valerie’s eyes fluttered open as she prepared to tell Ella to move back, but then she met Ella’s gaze, and the words died in her throat. Ella’s eyes were darkened with lust, the same as Valerie knew hers must be.
The next thing she knew, Ella was leaning forward and capturing her lips in a kiss. The forward motion pressed her knee even harder between Valerie’s legs, and Valerie couldn’t help spreading her legs a little wider, allowing Ella better access.
Valerie kissed Ella as though she was drowning, and in truth, she was—drowning in overwhelming desire that had plagued her for weeks now.
Their tongues tangled together in the most delicious dance. Ella moaned into the kiss and wriggled her knee from side to side. Ah, fuck, Valerie was going to come. She was practically devouring Ella’s mouth as she spread her legs wider, breaking away from the kiss to gasp for air as her legs started to tighten—
The cabin shifted again, throwing Ella off her and sending light spilling in through the hole the search- and-rescue people had ripped in the wall of the plane.
Valerie was left lying limply against the cabin wall, her legs still spread wide, gasping for breath. She was so close, she felt like a stray breath of wind could knock her over the edge. All she needed was just one more touch to her clit and she would be coming… but a search-and-rescue guy was sticking his head into the cabin and holding out his hand toward them.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here, doctors.”
Valerie remained on the floor, afraid that even bringing her legs together to stand up would bring enough pressure to her clit to make her come. Her thighs were so tense they were trembling and her hands were clenched into fists. She was panting harshly, her arousal almost unbearable.
Ella glanced between Valerie and the guy. “We’re okay here, now, thanks. Why don’t you go back to helping the others? We can get out ourselves. No, really, go on. We’ll be right out.”
He reluctantly left, and Ella knelt down by Valerie’s side.
“Valerie? Do you want… help?”
Valerie knew exactly what Ella was offering. Every part of her ached for just one more touch from Ella, one more touch to send her over the edge.
Valerie shook her head jerkily. Now was not the time.
“I’m fine. You go on.”
“I am not leaving you here. Come on, up you go.”
The next thing she knew, Ella was hauling her up by her right arm. Valerie moaned and almost doubled over as her body threatened to come, but it wasn’t enough. She staggered after Ella, who if she wasn’t mistaken, also seemed a little unsteady on her feet.
They re-entered the bedlam that was the scene of the accident. Even though it had taken a little time for them to be dug out, there were still patients everywhere who needed their help.
Valerie ignored her body’s frantic pleas for her to get somewhere where she could be alone and release the unbearable tension she was feeling.