Page 22 of Rules of the Heart

She had a job to do.



“Valerie? Can we talk?”

“Why?” Valerie snapped.

Ella understood Valerie’s frustration. It had been clear that Valerie had been on the brink of coming several hours ago when they were trapped in that plane, and it was obvious by the stiff way she was holding her body that she hadn’t taken the time to relieve herself since then.

Ella wondered why. It was clearly affecting Valerie’s temper. It must be more of Valerie’s obsession about rules. While there was no set rule about getting yourself off in the bathroom, Ella supposed that it could well be implied in the “no sex in the hospital” rule.

She wondered how long Valerie had been denying herself for, to be that close that quickly. Ella loved that she had such an effect on Valerie but couldn’t help feeling sorry for her in the state of obvious need she was in.

She had already taken the time have a quick orgasm in the nearest bathroom. It hadn’t taken long, given how turned on she’d been from Valerie’s kiss. She had discovered the hard way from working with Valerie that trying to operate while she waspainfully aroused was difficult and sapped her concentration quickly. Best to take care of it before she got into the OR.

Valerie didn’t seem to share this opinion. She was currently glowering at Ella, as though her self-denial was Ella’s fault.

“Please? I think we’re long overdue for a talk. We could have died today. I… I’d like to talk about it, if that’s okay with you.”

Valerie’s expression softened a little. “I… okay. Let’s go to the cafeteria, shall we?”

Ella followed Valerie to the cafeteria, watching her tight ass swaying enticingly from side to side as she walked.

Valerie’s shoulders and hips were still as tense as a drawn bowstring. Ella couldn’t help wondering what it would take to get Valerie to relax. How long would it take Valerie to come if Ella started licking her clit? Judging by the state Valerie was in, probably not long.

Her pupils were still huge when she looked at Ella. She was clearly still deeply in her aroused state, and not even surgery seemed to have dragged her out of it.

Watching Valerie like this was such a turn on for Ella that she was already considering when she could next get away to the bathroom for a little alone time.

They got something to eat and drink and sat down. There were a few seconds of loaded silence between them before Ella spoke.

“It seems really petty now, doesn’t it? This rivalry we have. We could have died, and here we are, fighting each other when we’re really on the same side.”

Valerie sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly in defeat. “I guess so. I don’t want to keep fighting with you, Ella. It’s just…”

She trailed off, not needing to continue. Neither of them could seem to help themselves.

“I think we should start over. We could be good friends, Valerie, I truly believe that.”

Valerie looked doubtfully at Ella. “Friends?”

“Yeah, friends. Look, we’re both exhausted and filthy. How about we go home, shower and get some sleep, and then tomorrow, we can get lunch together. We can get to know each other a little better.”

Despite their multiple interactions, Ella knew very little about Valerie other than she loved sticking to the rules.

“I’d like that,” Valerie said softly. “A fresh start.”

“Yeah, exactly. A fresh start.”

Ella wanted to kiss Valerie again, but she had a feeling that it wouldn’t be welcomed. Something powerful must be holding Valerie back, or she would have pounced on Ella already. Ella didn’t want to force Valerie into doing something she didn’t want to do.

She was sure that if she was to kiss Valerie now, one thing would lead to another and they would end up naked in one of the on-call rooms together.

She was also almost equally sure that Valerie would regret it later. Her body’s reactions were running haywire right now and it would be unfair of Ella to take advantage of that.

If she was going to get Valerie into bed, she wanted it to be without regrets on either side. Maybe, once they had forged a firmer friendship, it would be a real possibility, one that they would both get value from and look back fondly on.