Page 23 of Larissa

“They didn’t choose it though. They have to be willing,” I argued, panicked for them and myself that we would be bondedforeverwhen we knew each other just over a month.

“And so they shall,” she said gently. “If they accept the bond, it will be permanent.”

“How?” I pushed, not knowing the specifics.

She smirked at me. “Love, child. That’s who we are. Life, love, and light. If they offer you their lives as yours, their love as yours, and all the light they can give you, then the bond is permanent.”

“So we get married?” Jackson clarified.

“No, you have sex with your witch,” she chuckled.

“Wait, I don’t get to have sex with her unless I want topermanentlybond to her forever?” Jared asked, sounding freaked out. “I’m a damn virgin still. So that’s it? Forever? This won’t wear off after like a month?”

“No, child, as she offered any cost up to Gaia to keep you safe andclearlyGaia wishes this union and it’s not hard to see why,” Thora explained, sounding amused. “As your mother said, Larissa, you are the magical genius who can use technology to do just about anything, and their side would doeverythingto get you, even risk my wrath and our fragile peace as your mother risked.

“Even if I could ignore the fact of how your auras are lit up with feelings for Larissa, be honest with yourselves, and each of you thought more than once you would give anything to keep her safe and out of the hands of those monsters. You had just as much of a hand in starting the bond as she did. But Gaia is still giving you the choice to take the final step. Choose wisely.”

I nodded, swallowing loudly. “Thank you for coming. I’m sorry I lashed out.”

She gave me a kind smile and pulled me into a hug. “You will several times more and even at them for not running. It is how relief, fear, and too many heightened emotions work.” She kissed my hair. “You are truly free now, Larissa. Enjoy it.”

“I don’t know how or what to do next,” I rasped.

“Yes, I know, because while you knew this day would come, you never had an ounce of belief you would win. You thought your freedom was fleeting and you would be dragged back to be tortured and raped by those four men until your mind and magic shredded you.”

I wasn’t sure the triplets needed to hear that, but I was fairly certain she said it for them so they understood the situation better. “You should have warned me for the trap.”

“Possibly. Knowledge isn’t always helpful, but sometimes a burden.”

I nodded that was fair. “How can I thank you for carrying that burden for me and making sure I wouldn’t lose this fight?”

“I love how grateful you always are,” she chuckled, kissing my hair again before letting me go. “It’s why Gaia is so generous with you and her blessings as you help protect us all.” She glanced around. “You have started to claim the land as yours. Good. Your cousin Sia could use some help. A greenhouse of loofahs. She is always in need of loofahs, apparently, and you are tucked away here.”

“I will speak with her and get it started,” I agreed, thinking that was easy enough. Well, noteasybut something I could handle. “What do I do with this mess?”

“I will handle it. It’s better you are surprised when you are notified of your mother’s death,” she answered. She walked over to the triplets. “Be good to her and be worthy of her.” She kissed each of their cheeks. “And be happy. You are just as worthy of it as she is.” She shooed us inside. “Go plan your freedom and new lives that start now.”

I gave her a confused look, frowning when she only laughed and told me I’d figure it out. I nodded and did what she wanted, tripping when I reached the porch.

Jared catching me was the only reason I didn’t land flat on my face. I waved them off and darted inside and headed right for my systems. I pulled up a browser and typed in what I was looking for.

And then I needed to sit down.

“Holy fuck,” Jesse whispered from behind me. “That’s why your mom looked familiar. I didn’t put it together. She was supermodel and actress Dortha Carter.”

I nodded. “It was how I got free. One of the LLL witches has an alter ego as a model. We met and saw each other often on shoots and sets as she’s my age. She felt the magic in my scars and I told her the truth. She was in touch with some other light witches and the next thing I know, I’m being saved.”

“And you’re an only child, right?” Jared checked.

“Yup,” I answered, popping the P loudly.

“How accurate would a Google search be on a real net worth?” Jackson whispered.

“I have no idea, but knowing my mother, she would never let people know the half of what she had,” I admitted, staring at the hundred million dollar answer to what her net worth was I typed in. “Damn.”

“That’s one way to put it,” Jesse agreed.

“So what now? What’s next?” Jackson asked.