Page 22 of Larissa

The magic flared and I blocked what she threw at me, pulling on that bond and their feelings for me to fuel me, Gaia’s power in the land she’d blessed. I used all of it to protect them from her evil, not caring what it cost me later.

I threw it at her, using my magic like I did in a computer or machine, stripping the parts and finding what I needed to infuse.

It clicked and I did something I never thought I could. I turned her magic against her and seared her charms off of her while rerouting her magic and attacking like I would a camera feed to loop and it all went back into her.

I realized she’d been trying to use our shared blood for her own magic with the goal of stopping my heart so I went down and she could revive me later.

I took it a step further and made sure she couldn’t be revived later as I pushed power into her own attack. She screamed as it hit her harder and fed from her own blood magic.

“Nugget!” Jared shouted, giving me just enough warning to see Randy had broken free from my trap. I caught him with vines again and took him down to the ground hard as I finished with my mother.

Relief filled me as I saw the light go out in her eyes and knew she was dead. Maybe that was horrible to admit, but it was a chilling relief for me and the guys I cared for. The wicked queen was dead, and all that was left were her pathetic dogs.

I walked over to Randy and smirked down at him still struggling against my trap. “You’re a pathetic piece of shit who never realized he was just a pawn that she never cared for or loved. You were her enabler, and I was never youranythingbut eventual demise.”

I slammed my foot onto his chest, sending power with the hit and caving it in, feeling his heart stop.

More relief filled me. It was almost truly over. I did the same to the other two, having choice words for them as well. I saved my dad for last, knowing he was dying anyways since Mother was gone.

“You were the worst,” I told him, smiling as he gasped, their bond killing him so I didn’t even have to. “The fact I share blood with you haunts me every fucking day. She was cruel and saw me as a possession, a pet and nothing more but you—you saw me as the witch you were going to make queen in replace of her, you sick fuck. I was yourdaughter, youryoung daughter, and you groomed me to take her place.”

“You were everything she was but better and more,” he panted. “You were always going to be so much more, and you will always be mine, even after I’m dead.”

“No, she’s ours,” Jackson sneered, making me jump when they touched me because I hadn’t meant to drop the protective shield.

“She was never yours,” Jesse added. “Gaia has blessed her being withuswhile she helped Larissa escape you.”

“And the one who was yours is dead as the bond is now killing you. So you were always nothing more than a sick fuck who was the sperm donor to a psycho bitch,” Jared finished. “You wouldn’t know love or real if it bit you in the mother fucking ass.”

He went to kick my dad in the face, but my father died with a hiss of air leaving his body.

I let out a shaky breath as the reality of it truly being over sank in and my knees went out from under me.

“I got you,” Jackson whispered, catching me in time and lifting me into his strong arms. “You did it, sparkles. You took down the wicked queen and freed yourself.”

“Well, she didn’t do it alone,” a musical voice came from our left.

I pushed out of Jackson’s arms to land on my feet, fresh adrenaline surging through me and making my body ready for another fight. I let out a whoosh of air as I locked gazes with Thora.

She smiled brightly at me. “You did well, child. I certainly hadn’t thought it would turn out like this, but you have made me, Gaia, and all your light witch cousins proud by fighting this battle and your past head-on.”

“You were here?” I rasped, giving her a hurt look she didn’t jump in. Then I realized what else she’d said, nodding. “I pulled on their energy like a temporary bond like Briony’s short-term contracts.”

She clucked her tongue. “Short-term?”

I blinked at her and then looked back at the triplets before meeting her gaze again. “No, that’s not possible.”

“I would have said the same, but I felt the moment you started the bond with them.” She held up her hand to hold off my arguments. “Was there not a moment where you thought you did not care the cost to you later?” She nodded when I swallowed loudly and looked back to them. “For the record, protecting you was at the front of her mind when she did it.”

Anger surged through me. “You are not Gaia, Thora! You cannot just push us around as you want for your design.”

She raised an eyebrow at me and I swallowed down the rest of what I would say, knowing she cared for me but never forgetting I was an ant compared to her.

“You are right that I am not Gaia and I amcertainlynot omniscient. I will carry the weight of my choices as I should. I chose to add your name to the list we gave to the dark witches council knowing your mother would come for you. I chose to have her closely watched so this couldendfor you as you have lived your whole life in constant fear of her and half of it while free of her.

“So yes, that was my choice.However, I chose to let you handle it yourself and help only if needed as this was your dragon to slay, your demon that you prayed to defeat, and I would not take that away from you. This was your moment to show you are a true and powerful witch of your own, not your mother’s puppet.” She waited until I nodded. “Now you need to acceptyourdecisions.

“Youchose to accept their help.Youchose to pull on the magic Gaia has bestowed on your land in blessing of your coupling with them thatyouoffered up.Youchose to protect them no matter the cost later. This is the cost, child. You started the bonding process with them to make them your familiars.”