Page 18 of Larissa

I woke Jared again, telling him we got to her this time which he was relieved with. He moved to her room and made a makeshift bed of an extra blanket and pillow on the floor. I was ready to do the same, but I couldn’t resist crawling in bed on the other side of her from Jesse.

It felt right, and I didn’t even care they’d had sex on the bed. I just needed her and my brothers and life felt right.

The next morning, I woke to a gasp and shot up to see Jesse mirror me, Larissa staring at her arm with wide eyes. “One’s gone.”

“One what, nugget?” Jared asked from the floor. “I’m right here. You got all three of us.”

“Well, good, I mean, glad you didn’t run away, but not what I meant,” she rambled, not even noting she was naked. “One scar. One of the scars on my arm is gone.”

“I want to ask if you’re sure, but you seemreallysure,” I muttered with a yawn.

“I’m really,reallysure,” she promised. “I know and remember all of these scars.” She traced the spot she meant to show us. “That one is gone.”

She started searching her body, totally not paying attention when she lifted her leg up and flashed her pussy at us like we weren’t already getting to see her perfect tits.

“Kitten, you’re making my morning wood unbearable when you’re being so obliviously sexy like that,” Jesse warned.

She glanced at him and then followed where he was staring, giving a yelp as she hurried to hide back under the bedding. “Light. Naked. Shit.”

“Light. Naked. Do it again,” Jared chuckled from the floor. “Damn, nugget, I’mveryawake now.”

“Nugget?” I asked, not having caught him calling her that before.

“Yeah, she’s little and tasty looking. She’s a little nugget of yummy.”

“I don’t know if that worries me you’re a cannibal or it’s sweet,” she muttered from under the blankets.

“I do want to eat you and a lot, but not in the creepy way, but I will bite too,” he teased her.

I thought it might be too much, but the bed shook as she silently laughed. Then a few cute giggles broke free and I couldn’t help but smile too.

I reached under the bedding and pinched her side. “So while you’re under there, if you’re hungry…”

She flipped back the blanket and gave me bug eyes, smiling when she saw I was teasing, but then she frowned.

My fun deflated. Why could I never say anything right? How come Jesse always knew what to say and Jared could make her laugh, but I always landed flat?

“That was funny,” she muttered as she moved closer. “Um, but, not while all of you—” She blew a raspberry. “Group stuff won’t end well like yesterday.”

“Yeah, my concussion is proof of that,” Jared drawled.

“What concussion?” She worried, trying to wrap the blanket around her and crawl over me which ended with her plopped on my lap and my cock nestled where it wanted to be. She yelped but didn’t fight me when I kept her there, steadying her.

“Your magic sort of pulsed defensively and threw us all away from you,” Jesse explained gently. “Jared went into the cabinet and the cabinet fought back and conked him on the head. Everything in it shattered. Sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry,” she sighed heavily. “I’m really not used to being around people, and it’s normally safer if I’m not with all my issues and trauma and flashbacks.”

“I’m good as long as you kiss the boo-boo on my head,” Jared promised. “You can beat me up all you want as long as you kiss it better, nugget.”

“I have one on my back,” I told her when she nodded.

“My hip,” Jesse added. “One at a time of course.”

“Thanks,” she whispered, blushing furiously as she seemed to remember where she was sitting and naked. “Thanks for not making me feel like a selfish slut.”

“You are far from selfish and there is no chance you could ever be a slut,” I told her, smiling when she beamed at me like I’d said the exact right thing.

Finally. Ifinallyfelt like I could get a handle on how to be what she needed, what she wanted. Maybe.