Page 19 of Larissa


She kicked us out so she could get dressed, and I hurried to throw on my clothes from yesterday. She stepped out of her room just as I finished and was about to throw up her hair but stopped when I put my hand on her arm.

“Will you wear it down for me? At least until you need to put it up to work? I’d really like to see it.” I reached out and ran my fingers through it, smiling when she blushed and nodded. “Thank you, sparkles.”

She ducked her head but then gave me a quick hug. “I found another scar missing. Apparently, two are gone.”

I couldn’t hide my shock as I connected the dots, thinking I had to be wrong. “Are you saying—”

“Yup,” she said, popping the P loudly. “Apparently, Gaia or our combined energy healed what shouldn’t be possible to be healed. Let’s go see what else we did.”

“What else we did?” I asked as I trailed after her.

She nodded, accepting a quick kiss from Jesse when we reached the kitchen but ducking Jared. “Don’t you dare assume you’re a group dating pack because I didn’t.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Jared chuckled, darting in front of her and blocking the back door. “However, the toll is a kiss.”

She punched him in the gut and he groaned moving. Then she kissed his head when he leaned down. “Boo boo fixed.”

“I really like this saucy side she’s got going on,” Jesse muttered, rubbing his neck as I nodded. “Really like it.”

“Yeah, it’s hot. And apparently, us having sex healed two of her scars, and we’re going to see what we did.”


“No clue, Brother, no clue.” I shrugged and followed after her.

We walked for several minutes deeper into the property, and just when I was about to ask what was going on, she stopped.

She glanced around and burst out laughing, bending over and grabbing her stomach she laughed so hard before coming over to me and standing on her toes. She moved her hands to my chest and I leaned down, kissing her given she seemed so open to it.

“What’s going on?”

“We did this,” she explained, waving her hand behind her. “This is where I feel the magic. I’m sure there’s more Jesse and I did.”

I glanced over her shoulder and at all the trees before looking down at her again. Her bright smile clued me in and my eyes bugged out before I looked again. “We did this?”

She nodded quickly. “I offered up our hot kitchen sex to Gaia and it was the new moon and it was your first time. Gaiaclearlyblessed it.”

“None of this was here a few days ago when we walked over here,” Jared whispered, sounding like he was seconds from freaking out.

He wasn’t the only one.

“It was completely cleared land of wild weeds and untended to whatever popping up since it’s spring,” she explained. “There are acres of sour cherries, Granny Smith apples, peaches, and pear trees with cultivated room to expand.”

“The first three are my favorite fruits,” I admitted.

She reached up and booped my nose. “And you have the gorgeous eyes of a delicious pear. I bet half the pear trees are Jesse’s.” She glanced over at him. “I would guess there’s more for our fun I offered up as it was my first time too.

“The more acres our magic has touched like this, the more effective the protection I’ll start laying down will be. This is so cool. I never got the joy of this before like other LLL witches, but now I totally do. I feel lighter.”

I watched as she about skipped off deeper into the property to see what else had happened. Shit, was this real?

