Charlotte is in her chair today, out of the bed. Lexa sits beside her in a smaller chair that one of the nurses probably brought in.

"I finally get to meet the man who's had my sister smiling for weeks," Charlotte says.

"Oh, really?" Law beams at me.

I roll my eyes. "This is my sister, Charlotte, and our best friend, Lexa. This is my... man, Lawson."

"My man!" Lexa exclaims. "That's what I like to hear." She comes over to shake his hand. "We are the ones who will be coming around to break your legs should you hurt Sophie in the slightest."

I nervously chuckle, giving Lexa a 'what the fuck' face. She shrugs. I motion for Law to sit with me on the ledge by the window.

"So, I guess I should begin by thanking you for keeping my sister sane in a broken elevator," Charlotte says.

"It was my pleasure." Law smiles. "Although, she did suggest she might pass out and need mouth to mouth, so maybe I should have taken advantage of that."

I elbow him but am quickly relieved at how it's going. I've only known this less intense Law for a little while. I didn't know which version of him would be coming to meet Charlotte and Lexa. We stay there for an hour, talking about the smallest of things, movies and shows we all like. Lexa and Charlotte making cake requests to me and Law. How Law can easily beat Lexa in a game of darts. All the things I didn't expect us to end up talking about and am glad we did.

And all the while, he touches me somehow, someway at all times. Hand linking with mine. Hand settling on my thigh, my knee. Arm going around my shoulders and pulling me closer to kiss my temple. I almost blush with each kiss, not because we're in front of Charlotte and Lexa, but because each kiss makes my entire body flush, with excitement, with nerves, with happiness. I'm afraid to fall but want to anyway.

A loud noise makes us all look toward the door.

"Oh, that's the people coming to restock the vending machine!" Charlotte cheers.

At Law's confused look, I explain. "The cafeteria will only send up one snack a day with lunch, so we load up on food from the vending machine for Char. Issue is, if you don't get to it when they first stock it, it's pretty much empty the rest of the week."

Law stands. "Well, let me go get one of everything now."

"Oh no, I didn't mean..." I begin to say but Lexa interrupts me.

"Hell yes. And maybe bribe the delivery guy to sneak you some snacks meant for another floor or something. I've realized the maternity floor has better chocolate bars."

Law chuckles. "I'm on it. Be right back."

I watch him leave the room, and when I look back at Charlotte and Lexa, seeing the excitement on their faces, I already know what they're going to say.

"No," I state.

"Yes." Charlotte nods.

"Char, you just watch way too many romances, and Lexa, you just see romance everywhere."

"And I know I damn well just saw it sitting on the windowsill next to you."

I scoff. "Then you guys are just seeing what you want to."

Lexa shakes her head. "Listen, my heart may be as black as coal, but I know love when I see it."

"We barely even know each other."

"Since when has that ever mattered when it comes to love?" Charlotte asks. "Knowing where he grew up, what school he went to, how many times he's been out of the country. None of that matters when it comes to how you feel. Or how they make you feel. How they look at you, and how you see yourself in their eyes."

I fall silent, letting her words wash over me. I go over every smile he's given me, the laughter I've come to crave from him, the soft look I sometimes catch him staring at me with. Can it mean whatthey're saying it does? Law's words run through my mind again.Those feelings you're talking about, I feel them too.

But... can he?

Law walks back in, arms full of candy, chip bags, and desserts.

"I think this oughta keep Charlotte fed for a little while," I joke as he approaches me.