"What exactly am I introducing you to my sister as?"
"What do you want to?"
I chuckle. "How did I know you would turn that question around on me?"
"Alright, fine. As your boyfriend."
My eyes snap to him. He's looking at the road and not me, but he smiles anyway.
"Is that what you are?" I ask, my voice low.
"You asked and I gave you the answer I wanted to." He shrugs. "So, I'd say you should be letting me know what it is you want to introduce me as now. There's what you want and don't want. What is and what isn't. Either I'm your man or I'm not."
"My man." I smile. "I like that. I'll take that. Sounds more mature than boyfriend."
"Oh, excuse me." He chuckles. "Is that all that's on your mind?"
I take a deep breath and ask what I really need to. "What do you mean when you say you want more?"
His hands tighten on the steering wheel, and he shoots me a quick glance before looking back at the road. "I want more. Moretime. More nights. Maybe even some time in the sunlight here and there."
"I've literally seen you three times, counting today, in the sun."
"So, yeah, much more time spent in places other than hotels. I want more dinners, more texts and phone calls, because as I'm discovering you're funny as hell. I want more getting to know you. I just want more. What does more mean to you? And don't look out the window as you answer me."
"You're always calling my bullshit," I murmur, and he quietly laughs before I continue, "I have... feelings for you."
I see his brow arch and a small smile form. "Interesting way to put it. Go on."
"I want basically the same mores as you because of those feelings. I want dates, and just spending time together, doing normal, everyday things. Like movies, I don't know, anything. I want to see into your life, and you into mine."
"Sounds like we want the same, then. And, Sophie," he says as he stops at a red light. "Those feelings you're talking about, I feel them too."
"How..." My voice comes out breathy, and I clear my throat. "How do you know they're the same?"
"I know."
He begins driving again, and I turn my head, but this time not to avoid him but to smile. We pull up at the hospital, and he parks in the above ground garage. He links his hand with mine as we walk from the garage to the hospital. And I don't stop my heart from acknowledging it this time.
Law gets more than a few nods and greetings as we walk through the hospital.
"How do so many people know you here?" I ask.
"My business... does a lot of work here." Then we're in the elevator, and he smiles at me. "Where it all began. Which I meant to ask, do your sister and best friend know about that?"
"My sister, hell no. I only told her that we met while trapped in the elevator here. My best friend, yes, but she won't say anything in front of Charlotte."
He nods.
"You ready? Last chance to run."
"I'm not going anywhere." I have to swallow at the sincerity in his eyes.
The doors open, and we walk down the hospital hallway, getting weird looks from the nurses that has my brows furrowing in confusion. Then we're at Charlotte's door. I can hear her and Lexa laughing inside the room as I open the door.
"I've brought our male sacrifice," I announce as we walk in.
"Wow. What an introduction." Law chuckles.