"You let us know when the next trip is, and we'll be there, too," Ezekiel states.
I chuckle. "Deal. Well, wine and dine me. Let's go."
We walk out of the room, down the hallway to the elevator. When the elevator doors close and I look at our reflections in the steel, a feeling of rightness fills me. Jeremiah to my right. Ezekiel to my left. Me, in the middle. It just feels right. Like this is what I've been waiting for when I was adamant that I wasn't waiting at all.
"Yeah," Jeremiah murmurs.
I look over at him and he smiles at me. The doors open and right outside the hotel is an idling limo.
"Well, well. You guys are really trying to make sure you get some action tonight, huh?" I joke.
"You are just such a romantic." Jeremiah chuckles while the driver opens the door.
"She's not wrong, though," Ezekiel snickers.
I get in first, looking at the all-around seating as they get in behind me. Ezekiel crosses me to sit on the other side of me.
"Do you guys like me being between you all the time?" I ask.
"Yes," Ezekiel answers.
One word, and then his hand comes to my exposed thigh, and I think maybe he's winning that internal war, too.
The drive to the restaurant is short, and as we pull up, I'm glad I didn't search for it and see it before now because the first look is breathtaking. Not the entrance, even though that is nice, dimmed with large chandeliers overhead that I can see each time the man in front lets someone in. But there isn't much from that floor because the actual restaurant sits high in the sky.
"Are you kidding me?" I try to say quietly, but the people glancing my way tells me I said it louder than I meant to. Oh well.
"I hope you don't have a fear of heights," Jeremiah says.
"If I did, I'd get over it on the way up there."
"Ready then?" Ezekiel asks.
"So ready."
Jeremiah's hand comes to my lower back again, leading me forward. I expect Ezekiel to be right beside us, but he lags a little behind. Jeremiah tells the hostess the name our reservation is under and then we wait for the elevator to come back down. Ezekiel stands a little to the side then too. I look over at him, giving him a smile but it dims when I realize how uneasy he is. He looks around at the other people around us, one hand tightening on the other in front of him. I don't understand it. Ezekiel is not a self-conscious or nervous guy.
The elevator doors open, and we go inside, another couple walking in as well. I reach over to take Ezekiel's hand, but he tucks it into his pocket. I convince myself that he didn't see my hand coming towards his, that he didn't just cast my touch aside. Maybe he's not winning that war after all. But thinking about why he has to war with himself at all makes me realize what'shappening. Other than at the pool after the wedding, after our first night together, we've never been out in public together. And surely, us being in public is making him think of her. Making him remember how, in the end, she was ashamed to be seen with both of them. He's keeping himself at a distance so I can't be the one to put that distance there, like he assumes I will. Like he fears I will.
We reach the top and the doors open again. I can't help the gasp that escapes me. It's utterly stunning. A black ceiling with large, circular, dark orange lights. Black carpet disguises the sound of my heels as we walk out of the elevator. Square tables with large, high-backed chairs are scattered throughout the middle of the restaurant, but it's the circular tables nearest to the windows that I'm hoping we get seated at.
"Wright?" a young man asks.
"Yes," Ezekiel answers.
"Right this way."
The man begins walking and Ezekiel goes to follow him, but I make him pause when I take the hand he didn't tuck away in his pocket. He looks down at it, then his eyes slowly rise to meet mine. I see the apprehension there, the walls he's scared to let down in this moment. My hand tightens on his and his grip on mine becomes firmer as he starts walking again. I reach to where Jeremiah's hand is still on my back and link our fingers. Then, we're walking through the restaurant, and yes, we get looks and stares, some curious, even a couple that appear disgusted. I don't give a fuck about any of them. I just focus on the feel of their hands in mine.
Disappointment fills me though, as we're led deeper and deeper into the dining area, and I can see all the window seats are taken here. Just as I open my mouth to ask the man if there's any waywe can get a window seat, we reach a set of curtains that I didn't notice before. Not hard to figure out why since they're black and practically blend into the ceiling and floor. The man pulls the curtain aside, and my eyes take in the absolute most romantic thing I have ever seen. A rectangle table with candles burning on it, rose petals around them, three place settings in front of the seats. But only three seats, just for us. And those seats face the view I was hoping we'd get.
"A waiter will be with you in just a moment," the man says.
Then, he closes the curtain behind us, creating our private oasis in this sea of beauty around us. Only the candles and a smaller version of the lights from the main dining room give the room a soft glow.
Jeremiah walks ahead, letting go of my hand to pull out the middle chair.
"For the beautiful lady," he states.