"Why thank you, sir." I giggle.

Ezekiel keeps a hold of my hand as I sit down and then releases it to help Jeremiah push in the chair. They sit beside me, and I look out at the view. The incredible, unbelievable view.

"I have to admit," I begin, "I'm finding it almost impossible to breathe right now."

"Why?" Jeremiah asks.

"Being here, being here with you two, knowing you guys planned all this for me, to be with me. It feels...unreal."

"But it is real," Ezekiel says, leaning over so his voice is right at my ear.

I turn and our faces are so close that our noses are almost touching.

"And you do know I want to be here with you, right? That I'm proud to be sitting between you and Jeremiah, right?"

His eyes go back and forth between mine, searching for sincerity, honesty. I know he finds it there when I hear him swallow.

"I do."

"Good, well then, let's hope the food matches the ambience."

"Oh, it does." Jeremiah chuckles. "If Jackson recommends a place, you can bet the food is basically some of the best you'll ever taste."

And Jackson and Jeremiah were right. I had to restrain from filling up on appetizers, because if they were that good, I definitely wanted to leave room for the main course. I’m glad I did, because when I get my first bite of the duck breast, covered in a berry sauce, I moan, not caring if people can hear it beyond the curtain or not.

"Oh my fucking God." I sigh. "This is heaven."

"This too." Jeremiah nods, chewing his food.

"I don't know if you guys know, but uh, when I go out to eat, I am getting a piece of what everyone has. So, Jeremiah, fork over some of that steak. And Ezekiel, I'll be waiting for a piece of your chicken. Make sure it has plenty of that salsa thingy on top of it too."

"Yes, ma'am." Ezekiel does a mock salute.

Between the three of us sharing, all our plates are bare within ten minutes, the family style sides gone as well.

"Don't tell Jackson I said this..." I chuckle. "But that was some of the best food I've ever eaten."

"Oh, I'm definitely telling." Jeremiah snickers. "He will cook for you until you say otherwise. Really, you win. You'll just be a few pounds heavier by the end."

"Oh, is that a warning that you won't like me if I gain weight?" I put my hand to my chest in pretend offense.

Jeremiah just leans in. "There is no situation that would make me think of you as anything less than the sexiest woman alive."

"Maybe words aren't enough." Ezekiel's voice is right at my ear, his breath ghosting along my neck. "Maybe she needs us to show her."

A throat clears behind us and my eyes snap to the waiter. I see that Ezekiel doesn't turn to look at him at all.

"Would you like to see the dessert menu?" the waiter asks.

"Yes!" I exclaim, making both Ezekiel and Jeremiah laugh.

We're each handed small menus as another man comes in to remove our plates.

"What's this one?" I ask, pointing to one nearest the bottom.

The waiter leans over and his eyes light up. "Ah, that's the chef's special. It's takes a little longer to make because he prepares a new batch of butterscotch for each order. But I can guarantee that when it's done, you'll have three decadent layers of chocolate cake with butterscotch between each one and drizzled over the top. And that you will love it."

"We're in no rush," Ezekiel says. "Get that one."