He tucks himself back into his pants and then helps me to stand. I brush off my knees, ignoring the indents from rocks there and fix my dress. Jackson's hands go to my hair, fingers combing through it before he grabs me in for a kiss. His lips are bruising against my aching ones, but I kiss him back just as hard anyway.
"We will always have this, Charlotte," Jackson says as we break apart. "Everything we had, everything we've done together. And if there's more that you want, you ask, and I'll give it to you."
"Actually, there is something I want," I whisper.
"What's that?"
"For you to take me into the restaurant, feed me, then fuck me with your fingers under the table like you told me you would."
"Well then, let me not keep you waiting."
We begin walking to the mouth of the alley, but I stop him.
"And I want one more thing," I say as I turn to face him. "I want you."
"You'll want me always?"
"More and more with each breath."
"Then you'll always have me. All of me. Never doubt that."
"Never," I breathe, before he kisses me and steals my breath just like he stole my heart.
Chapter 16
Three Months Later
"Yes!" Sophie exclaims before Law can even finish getting the question out.
He doesn't seem to mind as he stands from being on one knee to grab her to him. I can just feel the spray of the waterfall as Lexa and I hug her.
"Congratulations," I shout.
"Thank you," she croaks "Did you both know?"
"Of course," I say.
"You think he picked such a perfect ring on his own?" Lexa jokes.
"My God, it truly is perfect." She looks at it again.
Four diamonds, two on each side of an emerald jewel. I know Law told the jeweler to inscribe something inside but didn't want to pry as to what it was.
"What does it say inside?" Lexa asks, and I chuckle while shaking my head at her as she says, "Don't act like you don't wanna know too."
Sophie tucks her lips into her mouth a moment before stating,To indecent arrangements.
"O... kay." I arch a brow, but Lexa grins, so I guess it makes sense to one of us.
Jackson comes forward, placing the hand that isn't holding Shawn on my hip to move me aside so he can hug Sophie.
"I would say welcome to the family, but you're already family," he says.
"Thank you anyway."
I go over to Law and hug him. "Thank you. For being so good to Sophie. To Shawn."
"You never have to thank me for that."