I swallow the rising tears and nod. "Everything turned out stunning."

"Well, that was almost entirely Lexa."

I look toward her, but she doesn't hear the compliment because she's too busy blushing at whatever Jeremiah whispers in her ear. And when she turns to flee from him, as she always does, she runs right into Ezekiel's chest. It's almost comical to watch her blush deepen and spread as her eyes meet his and his mouth curves up into, what can only be described as, the grin of a man who's gotten someone right where they want them.

"It's like foreplay just watching them, isn't it?" Sophie whispers in my ear.

"It really freaking is." I chuckle as I watch Lexa's eyes narrow at Ezekiel. "But they are severely underestimating Lexa if they think they're the predators and she's the prey."

"Extremely true."

"Dinner is served," someone on the boat announces.

Jackson pulls out my seat between him and Sophie as the plates are set before us.

"I would have paired this chicken with crisped potatoes," he murmurs to me.

"Is your chef brain ever turned off?"

"I can think of a few times." He smirks.

We eat, and I watch Sophie holding Shawn. She looks down at him with a slight anxiety, not quite able to hide how nervous she is about leaving him for the first time tonight. But then Jackson is leaning toward me, and has my full attention.

"Do you want all of this?" he asks low. I turn more toward him, and he continues. "A proposal, kids, marriage?"

I don't even need to think about it. "I do."

He nods. "Then I'll make it happen for you."

"It's that easy?"

"I told you, anything you want, I'll give it to you."

This man. Who gives me his love as easily as he gives me his pain. Who punishes me and holds me all night. Who promises me a future and makes the present of each moment that I'm with him, the only place I want to be. I love him today more than I did yesterday, and know I'll fall even deeper for him tomorrow.

"Three months," Sophie shouts, making me look her way. "I want to get married in three months."

Lexa chokes on her drink. "You want me to plan a wedding in three months?"

"Can you do it?"

"Of course, I can do it. I'm me. I'm just saying... you're cutting it a little close."

"I know, but I don't want to wait to be married," Sophie says, smiling at Law.

"I want it to be on some island," Law adds. "That's my only request."

Lexa gets excited. "I think I can work within those harsh perimeters."

Everyone goes back to talking, and I look back at Jackson.

"Do you want all of it too?" I ask.

"I want eternity with you, Charlotte, but I'll settle for all of those things for now. I'll be having a word with someone if we get separated in the afterlife, though."

I smile. "Always so bossy."

He smirks. "You seem to like it when I'm in control."