It is.I ignore the whisper in my mind and decide to tell them. Maybe they'll say something that will help me get my head on correct when it comes to them.
"I was with them last night, and yes, I spent the night."
"Them?" Sophie exclaims at the same time that Charlotte damn near chokes on her drink to shout, "Spent the night?"
"I want every single detail," Charlotte adds.
I bite down on my bottom lip and Sophie's eyes narrow. "Was it Jer and Zek?"
My lips curve up into a smile and I nod. They give a cheer that has everyone in the restaurant looking at us. Well, and the lady glaring at us. I roll my eyes at her before looking away.
"Wait, wait. Was this the first time?" Sophie asks.
"No. The second. The first was your wedding night."
"I knew it," Charlottes states. "I know they were not gonna let you stay in their room all night without seducing the hell out of you."
I throw my head back in laughter. "Jeremiah answered the door shirtless, so yeah, I would say it started from the moment I walked in."
"You spent the night," Sophie begins, and I can already see the hope blooming in her eyes. "Does that mean—"
I shake my head. "It doesn't mean anything. They promised me breakfast and doughnuts. I was practically bribed."
"Mmhmm." Charlotte grins. "Keep telling yourself that."
"You know I do not do anything more than sex, Char."
Why does it feel like such a lie when I say it this time? More like...a reminder to myself.
"As of before last night, you didn't do sleepovers, either," she points out.
"And Jer and Zek know that?" Sophie asks. "That it's nothing more. Because from the way they're always staring as you, I would think they want more."
"When I mentioned me staying the night maybe crossing some boundaries last night, Ezekiel was the one who said any type of feeling would be a bad thing, so." I shrug. "I guess they agree."
"Why are you scowling when you say that, though?" Charlotte smirks.
I don't notice it until she says it. "Why are you reading too much into everything? We agreed it's sex and nothing more. And that's it."
"Well then, by all means," Sophie says, leaning forward. "Let's get to that part. If I recall from the party, this was your fantasy, right?"
I smile. "Let's just say they lived up to what I had in my mind."
Charlotte gasps. "Are you...not kissing and telling? Oh, my God, hell has frozen over, Soph. I think Lexa here is already head over heels in love."
The word makes me wince and they laugh harder.
"Don't make her throat close up," Sophie jokes. "You know she's allergic to that word."
"I think she'll come around," Charlotte says. "Or a certain two men will bring her around."
"I am, and will stay, firmly on the love is a cruel, soul-eating disease side. Thank you very much. Just because you two let yourselves get infected doesn't mean I'll contract it as well."
"Contract?" Sophie exclaims.
Her and Charlotte are laughing so hard they're holding their stomachs at this point. I roll my eyes at them.
"I cannot stand either of you." I chuckle.