"Seriously though, Lexa, this whole love thing isn't as bad as you think," Sophie states. "Not like me or Char were looking for it, but here we are now. In love and happy. I know you haven't had the best example with your mom, but there is another side to it."

"I know that, I do. But the issue is you only find out which side you've ended up on after you've fallen in love. And by then, it's too late. Your heart can either be made whole or broken entirely. And I'm not taking that chance. I've seen, way too many times to count, what taking that chance could cost you."

"But if you felt something for them," Charlotte begins softly, like she knows she's broaching a subject I would rather we'd ended minutes ago, "would you let yourself feel it?"

"I don't know," I say. "I've never really had this dilemma before. I've never had to convince myself not to feel for somebody. It was just easy not to, you know? I didn't need to keep reminding myself not to let my heart have any say."

"But you do now?" Sophie asks.

My eyes widen as I realize what I've just admitted. The feelings I've just spoken to them, and myself. It makes me dizzy for a moment and I have to grip the end of the table to keep myself steady.

"I do," I speak hoarsely. "I hate it. I hate feeling so...unsure of everything. Questioning what I should and shouldn't allow myself to feel. It's new, and it's driving me crazy. I think about them too much. I'm too curious, and want to know too much. I'm—"

"You're scared," Charlotte cuts me off.

"Not quite the word I was going to use."

"But the word that pretty much sums it all up." She tilts her head at me. At my silence, she continues. "You know how it was with me and Jackson. I ran from him, from my own feelings, really. And then he showed me how stupid I was being and here we are."

"I wasn't running," Sophie begins. "But I definitely wasn't ready for love when I met Law."

"Maybe that's the trick!" Charlotte exclaims. "Love comes when you're not looking for it."

"Don't say that, " I groan. "Because I am not looking, searching, or even trying to remember love exists."

"I think love may be looking for you, though." Sophie wiggles her brows.

"You know, I should have let that lady keep side-eyeing you."

She bursts into laughter. "You would never. But seriously, whenever you're pulling away, think about how it worked out for us. Not how it's always worked out with your mom."

"I don't really know if I can do that, to be honest."

"I know," Sophie says softly.

"When are you seeing them again?" Charlotte asks.

"No idea. They're sending me some of the pictures their mom takes of them later."

"You should send them some pics, too." Charlotte grins.

"I think pregnancy is making you extremely horny."

"It is. Jackson loves it."

I get my first text around five, a photo of Jeremiah looking off across the water of what looks like a beautiful lake. Then I get one of Ezekiel, sticking his hand into the water. I laugh at picture after picture, knowing between pictures they're teasing their mother and laughing at the poses she instructs them to do. I get ten more photos and then Jeremiah is texting me while Ezekiel drives them home. And then Ezekiel is texting me while Jeremiah cooks them dinner. And then it's a week later and we've texted almost all day every day, and before I even know it, I'm awaiting their texts each morning and falling asleep with my phone in my hand.

It's dangerous. It's foolish. It's just straight up dumb, and yet, I can't seem to help any of it.

We talk about everything and nothing. They ask how my day was, what I ate for dinner, what I got done for the charityplanning. I ask how things are going at the gyms, how their mother is, and barely hold back from asking when I'll see them again. Today though, I have a message typed out, my thumb hovering over the send button.

I miss both of you.

It feels like too little to say how much I yearn to see them again, but yet, far too revealing. I press the button and throw my phone away like it's has cooties. When I still have no response twenty minutes later, I am thinking of some way to invent an app that lets you take messages back. I'm about to somehow figure out a way to lie and say that message wasn't meant for them when the doorbell rings.

Brows furrowed, I walk to the door and look through the peephole. All hope of me being able to pretend I'm not home fades with the loud gasp that leaves me. My eyes fly around my apartment, taking in the messy blanket on the couch, the plate on the coffee table from my lonely dinner, and I'm in nothing but a T-shirt and panties.

"Little pig, little pig," Ezekiel's deep voice teases. "Let us in."