"We have a nephew," he says once we're in the elevator.

"It still feels unbelievable, right?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, even though we had months of notice that he was coming. Just don't take it too hard when he prefers Uncle Jackson over Aunt Charlotte."

I roll my eyes. "Oh, please. I'm gonna give that kid all the candy Soph tells him he can't have, let him stay up watching scary movies, all of that."

"Well, I see I'll have to up the ante, then. Game on."

The doors open and we walk through the lobby together, too close, arms brushing with each step, hands just inches apart. If anyone saw us, they would think we were lovers, but I have to remind myself we're not. Love has nothing to do with whatwe are to each other... even if just thinking the word makes me picture a future I know I can never have with Jackson.

"Jerry tells me there's a baby on the way," Henry, the daytime security guard, says as we near the doors.

I smile. "Baby is here. Both mom and baby are healthy, and hopefully getting some rest now that we're leaving."

He laughs. "That's good. Tell them I said congratulations when you come back. I assume you're not working today."

"No. I am going home to get some much-needed sleep."

"See you later."

"Are you going straight home?" I ask Jackson as we walk toward my car.

"Hell yeah. I am exhausted. You?"

"Same. I'm gonna eat some type of leftovers and fall face first into the bed."

"Sounds like a plan." He chuckles.

He opens my door, and I get into the seat, looking up at him as I say, "I guess I'll see you later. Don't be upset if I'm wearing my best aunt T-shirt."

His eyes widen. "You don't really have one?"

"Oh, I do. You underestimate me."

"I would never." He smiles, and damn that smile for making me want to beg him not to go right now. Which is exactly why I need to go.

"We'll see who gets back here first, then," I say.

He smirks and nods, before closing my door. I watch him walk away, hating myself for making him go. I let my head fall back to the seat, staring up at the ceiling.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" I murmur.

Maybe I wasn't ready for this. Oh, I can handle anything he does to me in the bedroom, or car, or wherever he might pop up. But it appears now that I wasn't ready for the feelings that would come along with it. With the need I would have for him. With what else I would want besides him being between my thighs. I am not at all prepared for what my heart wants, and I don't know how to stop it.

I need to just go home, let all the confusing emotions inside of me stay right in this parking lot, take a shower, maybe a cold one, and go to sleep. Moving to get into a better position in my seat, I press the button to start the car. Only... nothing happens. There's only a clicking sound and the lights on my dashboard dimly coming on for a few seconds before fading again.

"No, no, no."

I press the button again and the same thing happens. I press it again, and this time nothing happens at all.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groan before hitting the steering wheel.

I jump when a knock comes at my window. Putting my hand to my chest, I turn to see it's Jackson. I press the button to roll the window down, but when nothing happens, I open the door instead.

"You okay?" he asks.

"My stupid car, that I just had serviced by the way, won't start."